Abstract摘要ContentsChapter One Introduction1.1 The Background of the Research1.2 The Purpose of the Research1.3 The Significance of the Research1.4 The Structure of the ThesisChapter Two Theoretical Framework2.1 Rhetoric2.1.1 Definition of Rhetoric2.1.2 Classifications and Functions of Rhetoric2.2 Stylistics2.2.1 Definition and Functions of Stylistic2.2.2 Relationship between Rhetoric and StylisticsChapter Three Literature Review3.1 English and Chinese Slang3.1.1 Definition of Slang3.1.2 Formation of Slang3.1.3 Classification of Slang3.1.4 Fundamental Composition and Composition Mode of Slang3.1.5 Characteristics of Slang3.2 The Rhetorical Features of English and Chinese Slang3.2.1. Euphemism3.2.2. Hyperbole and Understatement3.2.3. MetonymyChapter Four A Rhetoric Study between English and Chinese Slang4.1 Metaphor Characteristic Comparison between English and Chinese Slang4.1.1 The Main Features of English Slang Metaphor4.1.2 The Main Features of Chinese Slang Metaphor4.2 Exaggeration Characteristic Comparison between English and Chinese Slang4.2.1 The Main Features of English Slang Exaggeration4.2.2 The Main Features of Chinese Slang Exaggeration4.3 Irony Characteristic Comparison between English and Chinese Slang4.3.1 The Main Features of English Slang Irony4.3.2 The Main Features of Chinese Slang Irony4.4 Euphemism Characteristic Comparison between English and Chinese Slang4.4.1 The Main Features of English Slang Euphemism4.4.2 The Main Features of Chinese Slang EuphemismChapter five A Comparative Study of Stylistic Features between Chineseand English Slang5.1 Stylistic Features of Chinese Slang5.1.1 Non-normalization of Language Form5.1.2 High Generality and Conciseness of Expression5.1.3 Image and Humor of Language Contents5.1.4 Clarity of Words5.1.5. Coarseness of Words5.2. Stylistic Features of English Slang5.2.1. Obvious Non-normalization5.2.2. Obvious Creativity and Fashion5.2.3 Strong Humor and Vividness5.2.4 Strong Conciseness5.2.5 Obvious Coarseness5.3 Comparison of Stylistic Features and Rhetoric Characteristics between English and Chinese SlangChapter Six ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
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标签:英语俚语论文; 汉语俚语论文; 修辞格论文; 文体特征论文; 对比研究论文;