abstract摘要1 Introduction1.1 Background of this study1.2 Significance of the study1.3 Structure of this thesis2.1 Literature Review2.1 Definition of CBI2.2 Related study at home and abroad2.2.1 Studies on CBI at abroad2.2.2 Studies on CBI at home2.3 Characters of CBI2.3.1 Subject-matter core2.3.2 Authentic language and texts2.3.3 Focus on the specific needs of specific student groups2.4 Models of CBI2.4.1 Immersion model2.4.2 Sheltered model2.4.3 Adjunct model2.4.4 Theme-based model2.5 Theoretical foundation of CBI2.5.1 Humanism2.5.2 Cooperative learning2.5.3 Communicative method2.5.4 Learner-centered teaching mode3. Research Methodology3.1 Research design3.1.1 Subject3.1.2 Research questions3.1.3 Procedure3.2 Instrument3.2.1 Lecture3.2.2 Questionnaire3.2.3 Pretest3.2.4 Class observation3.2.5 Posttest3.2.6 Interview3.3 Data collection4. Results and Discussion4.1 Results4.1.1 Results of the pretest4.1.2 Results of the posttest4.1.3 Results of the questionnaires4.1.4 Results of the interviews4.1.5 Results of the class observations4.2 Discussion4.2.1 Achievement of the Teaching & Learning environment4.2.2 Perfection of the teaching materials and the themes in class4.2.3 Ways to attain CBI theme-based oral approach5. Conclusion5.1 Main findings5.1.1 Teaching efficiency5.1.2 Motivation5.1.3 Learners' needs5.1.4 Opportunity for language use5.2 Limitations5.3 Suggestions for future studyBibliographyAcknowledgements攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文Appendix 1Appeudix 2Appendix 3Appendix 4Appendix 5Appendix 6Appendix 7Appendix 8
标签:主题模式论文; 口语教学论文; 口语水平论文; 小组活动论文;