ABSTRACT摘要Chapter Ⅰ Introduction and backgroundChapter Ⅱ Literature review2.1 Type of sulfur and distribution in gasoline2.2 FCC gasoline hydrodesulfurization technologies2.2.1 Conventional hydrodesulfurization2.2.2 Selective hydrodesulfurization2.2.3 Deep hydrodesulfurization combined with octane recovery processing2.3 FCC gasoline non-hydrodesulfurization technologies2.3.1 Alkylation desulfurization2.3.2 Extractive desulfurization2.3.3 Oxidative desulfurization2.3.4 Complexation desulfurization2.4 FCC gasoline adsorption desulfurization technologies2.4.1 Research progress in the adsorbent materials2.4.2 Research progress of sorbent technology2.5 Experimental contentsChapter Ⅲ Experimental part3.1 Experimental reagents3.2 Adsorbent and model feed preparation3.2.1 Carriers and Chemical reagents3.2.2 Adsorbent precursor preparation3.2.3 Preparation of the model solution3.3 Experimental process and methods3.4 Experimental Conditions3.4.1 Reduction conditions3.4.2 Reaction conditions3.4.3 Gas chromatographer operating set3.5 List of the reaction equipments used3.6 Experiment devises description3.6.1 Temperature controller3.6.2 Experimental reactor3.6.3 Experiment analytical instrument3.7 Adsorbent screening analytical instrumentChapter Ⅳ Experimental results and discussion4.1 Experimental study on zeolite adsorbents desulfurization performance4.1.1 Different zeolite adsorbents desulfurization performance test4.1.2 Summary on the different zeolite adsorbents desulfurization test4.2 Experimental study of HY-zeolite adsorbent desulfurization performance4.2.1 Effect of Zn/Ni molar ratios on the sorbent desulfurization performance4.2.2 Characterization of different Zn/Ni molar ratios adsorbents4.2.3 Summary of different Zn/Ni molar ratios effects4.2.4 Effect of carrier different proportions on the adsorbent desulfurization performance4.2.5 Adsorbents Nitrogen adsorption test4.2.6 Summary of carrier different proportions effect on the adsorbent desulfurization performance4.3 Effect of calcination temperatures on the adsorbents desulfurization performance4.3.1 Summary of calcination temperatures effect4.3.2 Adsorbent thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)4.4 Effect of catalyst reduction time on the adsorption desulfurization performance4.4.1 Summary of catalysts reduction times effect4.4.2 Temperature programmed reduction (TPR) of catalyst4.5 Effect of reaction conditions on the adsorption desulfurization performance2/Oil ratios on the adsorption desulfurization performance'>4.5.1 Effect of H2/Oil ratios on the adsorption desulfurization performance2/Oil ratios effect on the adsorption desulfurization performance'>4.5.2 Summary of H2/Oil ratios effect on the adsorption desulfurization performance4.5.3 Effect of reaction temperatures on the adsorption desulfurization performance4.5.4 Summary of reaction temperatures effect on the adsorption desulfurization performance4.5.5 Effect of reaction pressures on the adsorption desulfurization performance4.5.6 Summary of reaction pressure effect on the adsorption desulfurization performance4.6 XRD analysis for ZnO/NiO adsorbent before and after desulfurization reactionConclusionReferencesAcknowledgment卷内备考表
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标签:汽油论文; 脱硫论文; 吸附论文; 噻吩论文; 分子筛论文;