AcknowledgementAbstract in ChineseAbstract in English1.Introduction2.Literature Review2.1 Studies on cultural misreading abroad2.1.1 Hermeneutic view and cultural misreading2.1.2 Manipulation Theory and cultural misreading2.1.3 Deconstruction and cultural misreading2.1.4 Post-colonialism and cultural misreading2.1.5 Different viewpoints from the objectors of misreading2.2 Studies on cultural misreading in China2.2.1 Transcultural theory and cultural misreading2.2.2 Post-colonialism and cultural misreading2.2.3 Deconstruction and cultural misreading2.3 Theoretical basis of the thesis3.Translation of Honggaoliang Jiazu and Its Cultural Misreading3.1 An introduction to Honggaoliang Jiazu and its translation3.2 Cultural misreading in Goldblatt's Red Sorghum3.2.1 Cultural misreading of diction3.2.1.1 Cultural misreading of color words3.2.1.2 Cultural misreading of kinship system3.2.1.3 Cultural misreading of traits of measurement3.2.2 Cultural misreading of rhetorical devices3.2.2.1 Misreading of onomatopoeia words3.2.2.2 Cultural misreading of euphemism3.2.3 Cultural misreading of Chinese cultural images3.2.3.1 Misreading of images in culture-loaded words3.2.3.2 Misreading of images in idiomatic expressions4.Causes of Cultural Misreading in the Translation of Honggaoliang Jiazu4.1 Translator's presupposition4.2 Translator's subjectivity4.3 Readers' reception5.Effects of Cultural Misreading in the Translation of Honggaoliang Jiazu5.1 Positive effects of cultural misreading in translation of Honggaoliang Jiazu5.1.1 Cultural function5.1.2 Literary function5.2 Negative effects of cultural misreading in Red Sorghum5.2.1 Distorted representation5.2.2 Improper conveyance of the original theme6.ConclusionBibliography
标签:文化误读论文; 文学翻译论文; 红高粱家族论文; 红高粱家族英译本论文;