Study on Water-Soluble Polysaccharide and Dietary Fiber from Lentinus Edodes

Study on Water-Soluble Polysaccharide and Dietary Fiber from Lentinus Edodes

论文题目: Study on Water-Soluble Polysaccharide and Dietary Fiber from Lentinus Edodes

论文类型: 博士论文

论文专业: 食品科学

关键词: 多糖,蘑菇,提取物,抗肿瘤

文献来源: 浙江大学

发表年度: 2005

论文摘要: 研究了从香菇中提取水溶性多糖的优化过程。采用正交实验获得多糖提取的最优条件如下:料液比为1:40、提取温度为100℃、提取时间为4小时、95%乙醇的沉淀体积为5倍体积。采用这个方法,从干香菇中可提出5.8%的粗多糖。 为去除多糖提取物中的蛋白质,采用不同的方法进行了实验。实验结果表明利用蛋白酶法去除多糖提取物中的蛋白质比较理想。采用L1645正交表进行优化,得到蛋白酶法去除蛋白的最优条件为:蛋白酶为O.5g、底物为1克/100毫升、pH为7.5、温度为38℃、时间为12小时。在此条件下,多糖的提取率为3.6%,蛋白质含量为6.72%。 本实验还对一些来自香菇提取物中的水溶性多糖的物理化学性质进行了研究。结果说明,水溶性多糖部分溶解于水中,加热可以提高溶解性;水溶性多糖表现出低吸水性和低吸油性,每克样品的吸水性和吸油性分别为3.62和1.28。在90C和100C下,提取多糖时,还观察到了凝胶化现象。提取物的最高粘度为4.2Pa.s,粘度随着多糖的浓度和提取的时间增大而提高,粘度的提高主要依赖于提取的时间。搅打后可形成稳定性非常好的小泡末。 从提取多糖之后的残渣中提取了膳食纤维,并利用正交表为L934的正交实验进行了优化。最佳提取条件如下:温度为90℃、水与残渣之比为5毫升/克、提取时间20分钟、pH为3。在此条件下,可提出90%的膳食纤维。目前,对于蘑菇多糖抗癌活性的研究试验,几乎都集中在蘑菇多糖中单一成分的抗癌活性方面,而有关蘑菇多糖混合成分的抗癌活性方面的研究非常少。因此,在本领域采用多样化的研究是非常重要的。本论文主要研究了香菇、灵芝和灰树花提取物中多糖(比例为l:O.5:O.5)混合成分的抗肿瘤活性。 本实验选择雌性昆明小鼠为实验动物,体重为20±2克,每组lO只。在实验期间,连续30天饲喂添加多糖成分的饲料,多糖三个剂量分别设定为0.17、O-33和1.OO克/(千克体重)。所采用的癌株为s180肉瘤和Lewis肺癌。结果表明多糖成分可显著抑制S180肉瘤和Lewis肺癌的生长;其抑制率分别为42.2%和49.3%。另外,还增加了胸腺指数和NK细胞活性,其NK细胞活性增加幅度达到了63%






Abstract (English)

Abstract (Chinese)

Abstract (French)

List of Tables

List of Figures

Chapter Ⅰ Introduction and Review of Relevant Literature Review

1-1 General Introduction

1-2 Review of Relevant Literature

1-2-1 Mushroom's polysaccharides

1-2-2 β-D-Glucans

1-2-3 Shiitake mushroom

1-2-3-1 History

1-2-3-2 Cultivation

1-2-3-3 Production and economical importance

1-2-3-4 Nutritional Value

1-2-3-5 Lentinan

1-2-3-6 Functional Roles


Chapter Ⅱ Extraction of Water-Soluble Polysaccharides from Lentinus edodes.

2-1 Introduction

2-2 Materials and Methods

2.2.1 Extraction

2.2.2 Scheme of extraction

2.2.3 polysaccharide determination

2.2.4 Experimental design and statistical analysis

2-3-Results and Discussion

2.3.1 Extraction

2.3.2 Determination of optimum conditions for polysaccharide extraction

2.3.3 current, rotational and combinational design of quadratic regression



Chapter Ⅲ Purification and Molecular weight determination of water-Soluble Polysaccharides extracted from Lentinus edodes

3-1 Introduction.

3-2 Materials and Methods

3-2-1 Chemicals

3-2-2 Chemical analyses

3-2-3 Sewage method

3-2-4 Trichloracetic acid method

3-2-5 Calcium hydroxide method

3-2-6 Enzymatic method

3-2-7 Experimental design

3-2-8 Combined sewage and enzymatic methods

3-2-9 Molecular Mass determination

3-3 Results and Discussion

3.3.1 Sewage method.

3.3.2 Trichloracetic acid method

3-3-3 Calcium hydroxide method

3-3-4 Enzymatic method

3-3-5 Combined sewage and enzymatic methods

3-3-6 Molecular Weight determination

3-4 Conclusion


ChapterⅣ Physicochemical Properties of extracted polysaccharides

4-1 Introduction

4-2 Materials and Methods

4-2-1 Materials

4-2-2 Methods

4-2-2-1 Solubility in water

4-2-2-2 Water holding capacity

4-2-2-3 Oil holding capacity

4-2-2-4 Gelation capacity

4-2-2-5 Foaming properties

4-2-2-6 Rheological properties

4-3 Results and Discussion

4-3-1 Water solubility

4-3-2 Water and oil holding capacity

4-3-3 Gelation capacity

4-3-4 Foaming Properties

4-3-5 Viscosity

4-4 conclusion


Chapter Ⅴ Study of extraction conditions of lentinus Dietary fiber

5-1 Introduction

5-2 Material and Methods

5-2-1 Materials and Chemicals

5-2-2 Method of extraction (acid and alkali method)

5-2-3 Experimental design and statistical analysis

5-3 Result and analysis

5-3-1 Result of orthogonal test

5-3-2. Processing to the data of orthogonal test

5-3-2-1 result of variance

5-3-2-2 Results of range analysis

1. Influence of temperature to extraction

2.analysis ofthe influence of adding water to extraction

3.analysis of the influence of time to extraction

4 analysis of the influence of pH to extraction

5-4 Conclusion


Chapter Ⅵ Application of Polysaccharides from edible fungus in tumour treatment.

6-1 Introduction

6-1-1 Ganoderma lucidium

6-1-2 Grifola frondosa

6-2 Materials and Methods

6-2-1 Materials

6-2-2 Methods

6-2-2-1 Extraction of polysaccharides from Lentinus edodes, Ganoderma lucidium and Grifola frondosa

6-2-2-2 Animal bioassay

6-2-2-2-1 experimental method of S180 tumour control

6-2-2-2-2 Effects of polysaccharides on thymus and spleen indexes

6-2-2-2-3 Experimental method for small Lewis mice tumour control

6-2-2-2-4 Determination of NK cell'activities (LDH determination method)

6-2-2-2-5 Experiment on the macrophages of the abdominal cavity of mice by Phagocytosis the erythrocytes of chicken. (In situ experiment)

6-2-2-2-6 Quantitative hemolysis of sheep red blood cells (QHS) assay

6-2-2-2-7 Dinitrofluorobenzene introduced delayed type hypersensitivity test

6-2-2-2-8 Oral acute toxicity test in rats

6-2-2-2-9-Oral acute toxicity test in mice

6-2-2-2-10-Ames test

6-2-2-2-11-Mousemicronucleus test

6-2-2-2-12-mouse sperm abnormality test

6-3 Statistical analysis

6-4 Results and Discussion

6-4-1 Sarcoma 180

6-4-2 Ratio thymus/body and spieen/body

6-4-3 Lewis lung cancers

6-4-4 Natural killer cells

6-4-5 Macrophages

6-4-6 hemolysis

6-4-7-dinitrofluorobenzene test

6-4-8 Oral acute toxicity test in rats and in mice

6-4-9 Ames test

6-4-10 Mouse mic onucleus test

6-4-11 Mouse sperm abnormality test

6-5 Conclusion:


Chapter Ⅶ Dietary supplements of mixture of polysaccharides from Lentinus edodes, Ganoderma Lucidium and Grifola Frondosa

7-1 Introduction

7-2-Standard in complex edible fungi polysaccharide capsule


Chapter Ⅷ Conclusions and Recommendations

8-1 Conclusions

8-2 Recommendations


发布时间: 2005-07-15


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Study on Water-Soluble Polysaccharide and Dietary Fiber from Lentinus Edodes
