Teachers’ Influence on EFL Learner Autonomy

Teachers’ Influence on EFL Learner Autonomy

论文题目: Teachers’ Influence on EFL Learner Autonomy

论文类型: 硕士论文

论文专业: 外国语言学及应用语言学

作者: 白丹

导师: 于晓言

关键词: 建构主义,英语,学习者自主自主学习,教师的影响,教学法

文献来源: 东北财经大学

发表年度: 2005

论文摘要: 计算机和互联网的广泛应用给英语学习者提供了很多在课外学习英语的机会。因此在语言学习领域中学习者自主就成为很常见的词。当前,中国对英语学习者自主的研究发展很快,许多学者主要研究影响学习者自主的内在因素如学习者的态度,动机和兴趣。然而,学习者自主并不意味着教师变得多余或对语言学习过程所出现的情况失去控制。正如David Little(1995)指出仅仅告诉学生他们现在对自己的学习负责,学生也不会变得自主。自主学习并不一定意味是独立自主的学习,也不必学习时没有老师指导。 学习者在自主学习能力培养上需要指导。由于这一原因和其它原因,对教师的需求不会减少,而教师在自主学习中的角色会发生改(Abercrombie,1981)。为了让中国高校教师很好的了解教师对自主学习的影响,本文主要研究了教师的文化背景,教师对学习者自主的看法,教学法和教师在自主学习中的作用等方面对自主学习者所产生的影响。研究表明只要教师在课堂教学中采用鼓励自主学习的教法并运用旨在培养学习者自主性的教学手段,学生就会变得独立自主并逐渐养成自主学习的习惯。这将会使他们受益一生。 当前在英语教学领域中对这一问题的研究里鲜有研究教师对自主学习的影响,因此本研究将有助于教师对自身在英语学习者的自主性发展中的作用有个全面深刻的了解,从而推动学习者自主在中国的发展。研究表明培养学习者自主的关键是改变教师的看法和教学方法。通过对传统教法与现代教法以及教师在不同教法中的作用的对比可以看出教师能够对英语学习者一如既往的产生同样的影响。本文作者也在文中提出在课堂教学中培养学习者自主的一些实用的措施。




Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 introducing the Topic

1.2 Definition of Terms

1.2.1 Definition of Learner Autonomy

1.2.2 Definition of Teacher Autonomy

1.3 Rationale and Justification

1.4 Aims of the Study

1.5 Significance of the Study

1.6 Outline of Subsequent Chapters

Chapter 2 Literature review

2.1.Overseas Research

2.2 Domestic Study of Learner Autonomy

Chapter 3 Identifying Teachers' Influence on EFL Learner Autonomy

3.1 Teachers' Cultural Background and Learner Autonomy

3.1.1 The Relationship Between Culture and Education

3.1.2 Learner Autonomy and Culture

3.2 The Impact of Teachers' Beliefs in EFL Learner Autonomy

3.3 Teaching Methods and Learner Autonomy

3.3.1 The Characteristics of Learner Autonomy

3.3.2 Teaching Methods

3.3.3 The Dominant EFL Teaching Method in China

3.4 In-class Teaching Practices and Learner Autonomy

3.4.1 Equipment and Learner Autonomy

3.4.2 Teaching Materials and Learner Autonomy

3.4.3 Learning Activities and Learner Autonomy

3.5 Learner strategy and Learner Autonomy

3.5.1 Learning Strategy

3.5.2.Learning Strategy and Learner Autonomy

3.5.3 Teacher and Learning Strategy

3.6 Teacher's Role in Learner Autonomy

3.6.1 Teacher's Role in the Development of Learner Autonomy

3.6.2 Teacher' Role in Traditional Teaching

3.6.3 Teacher' Role in Learner Autonomy

Chapter 4 How to Promote Learner Autonomy

4.1 Raising Teachers' Awareness of Learner Autonomy

4.2 Preparing Teachers to Promote Learner Autonomy

4.3 Ways for Teachers to Promote Learner Autonomy in Classrooms

4.3.1 Autonomy Training in Normal Classroom Activities

4.3.2 Some Applicable Teaching Processes of Autonomous Learning

4.4 Applicable Learning Activities in the Promotion of Learner Autonomy

4.4.1 Pair-work

4.4.2 Team or Group-work

4.4.3 Individual Work

4.5 Learning Strategy Training

4.5.1 Raising Learners' Awareness of Learning Strategies

4.5.2 Integrating Learning Strategy Training into EFL Lessons Teaching Language Learning Strategies Integrating Learning Strategy Instruction into EFL Lessons

Chapter 5 Conclusion





发布时间: 2006-12-26


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Teachers’ Influence on EFL Learner Autonomy
