ABSTRACT摘要INTRODUCTIONChapter One Literature Review1.1 The Complexity of Drama Translation1.2 Issues of Drama Translation1.2.1 Issue of Reading-oriented Translation vs.Performance-oriented Translation1.2.2 Issues of the Criteria for Drama Translation1.3 Approaches to Drama Translation Studies1.3.1 The Semiotics Approach1.3.2 The Pragmatics Approach1.4 The Unit of Drama Translation1.5 Huaju TranslationChapter Two Drama and Drama Translation2.1 The Classifications of Drama2.2 The Origin and Development of Huaju2.3 The Specialty of Drama Translation2.3.1 The Nature of Drama and Drama Translation2.3.1.1 Limitations on the Presentation of Drama2.3.1.2 The Duality of Drama2.3.1.3 The Duality of Drama in Translation2.3.2 The Characteristics of Drama Language2.3.3 The Theatrical Context2.4 The Performability,Stageability and Speakability of the PlaytextChapter Three The Speech Act Theory3.1 The Philosophical Background of SAT3.2 SAT:Austin's Theory3.2.1 Dichotomy of Constatives vs.Performatives3.2.2 Locutionary,Illocutionary and Perlocutionary Acts3.3 The Development of SAT by Searle3.3.1 Searle's Classification of Illocutionary Acts3.3.2 Direct/Indirect Speech ActChapter Four SAT and Huaju Translation:a Case Study of the Translation of Thunderstorm4.1 The Intentions of Characters and the Expression4.2 Illocutionary Force and Huaju Translation4.2.1 Illocutionary Force in Translation4.2.2 Principles of Expressing Illocutionary Force in the Target Language4.2.2.1 The Principle of Colloquialism4.2.2.2 The Principle of Characterization4.2.2.3 The Principle of Appropriateness4.2.2.4 The Principle of "Iceberg" The Principle of No Perception Obstacle4.3 Implication for the Role of Huaju TranslatorsChapter Five An Analysis of the Translation of Thunderstorm5.1 The Playwright Cao Yu and Thunderstorm5.2 A Brief Introduction to Wang Zuoliang5.3 The Translation Ideas of Wang Zuoliang5.4 The Translation of Thunderstorm5.4.1 The Creation of Performable Qualities5.4.2 Accurate Diction and Flexible Syntax5.4.3 Shortcomings5.5 Chinese Huaju AbroadCONCLUSIONNOTESBIBLIOGRAPHYACKNOWLEDGEMENTS学位论文评阅及答辩情况表
标签:戏剧翻译论文; 话剧翻译论文; 言语行为论文; 语力论文;
言语行为理论在中国话剧翻译中的应用 ——试析《雷雨》翻译