摘要Abstract1 Introduction1.1 Background and Significance of the Research1.2 Research Methodology1.3 Layout of the Thesis2 Literature Review2.1 Debates on the Translation Strategy in China2.2 Debates on the Translation Strategy in the West2.3 Summary2.4 A Review of Relevance Theoretic Approach3 Theoretical Backgrounds3.1 A Briefing on Domestication and Foreignization3.1.1 Domestication3.1.2 Foreignization3.2 Venuti’s Translation Theory3.2.1 Invisibility and Visibility of the Translator3.2.2 Contributions and Limits of Venuti’s Resistant Translation Strategy and Foreignization3.3 The Relevance Theory3.3.1 General Introduction of the Relevance Theory3.3.2 Main Concepts of the Relevance Theory3.3.3 Application of Relevance Theory to Translation4 A Probe into the Translator’s Invisibility and Visibility from the Perspective of the Relevance Theory4.1 Translation Strategies Characterized by the Invisibility and the Visibility of the Translator4.1.1 Domestication Aims at the Translator’s Invisibility4.1.2 Foreignization Aims at the Translator’s Visibility4.1.3 Integration of Invisibility and Visibility of the Translator from the Perspective of Domestication and Foreignization4.2 The Power of RT in Interpreting Cultural Default4.2.1 The Cultural Default in Translation4.2.2 The Application of RT in Dealing with the Cultural Default4.3 The Choice of Translation Strategies in Accordance with RT5 A Case Study of the English Translation of the Border Town5.1 Introduction5.1.1 A Brief Introduction of the Border Town and the Author5.1.2 A Brief Introduction of its English Translation and the Translator5.2 A Case Study5.2.1 A Relevance-theoretic Account of Foreignization5.2.2 A Relevance-theoretic Account of Domestication5.2.3 A Relevance-theoretic Account of the Combination of Foreignization and Domestication6 ConclusionBibliographyAcademic AchievementsAcknowledgements
标签:归化论文; 异化论文; 关联理论论文; 最佳关联论文; 译者的隐形论文;
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