Abstract摘要TABLE OF CONTENTSChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Definitions of terms1.2.1 Code and CS1.2.2 CS and relevant terms1.2.3 Motivation, motivation of CS, and function of CS1.2.4 CS and discourse genre1.2.5 Matrix language and embedded language1.3 Theoretical framework1.4 Objectives of this study1.5 Structure of this thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Introduction2.2 Different approaches to CS studies2.2.1 Linguistic approach2.2.1.1 Language constraints2.2.1.2 Inter-sentential, intra-sentential and tag CS2.2.1.3 Alternational and insertional CS2.2.2 Sociolinguistic approach2.2.2.1 Social functions2.2.2.2 Social motivations2.2.2.3 Communicative strategy2.3 Studies of CS in different discourse genres2.4 Summary and evaluationChapter 3 Data collection and analysis3.1 Introduction3.2 Data source3.3 Data collection3.4 Data analysis3.4.1 Punctuation, a distinctive feature of Chinese the matrix language3.4.2 Characteristics of CS3.4.2.1 Topic3.4.2.2 Form3.4.2.3 Syntactic structure3.5 SummaryChapter 4 Discussion4.1 Introduction4.2 Social background4.3 Functions and motivations of CS in the novel4.3.1 Functions of CS in the novel4.3.1.1 Linguistic functions4.3.1.2 Sociolinguistic functions4.3.1.3 Other functions4.3.2 Motivations of CS in the novel4.3.2.1 Social and linguistic structure and language policy in Singapore4.3.2.2 Social motivations4.3.2.3 Psychological motivations4.3.2.4 Intertextuality4.4 Stylistic explorations4.4.1 CS, a writing technique in the novel4.4.2 CS, an important role in the characterization of the heroines in the novel4.5 Summary of the findingsChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Major findings5.2 Limitations5.3 Suggestions for further researchNotesBibliographyAcknowledgements攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文
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