ABSTRACT摘要Abbreviations and SymbolsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the study1.2 Significance of the study1.3 Approach of the study1.4 Organization of the thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 A survey of English SVOC study2.2 A survey of Chinese PP study2.3 A survey of contrastive study of SVOC and PP2.4 Summary: the formalist similarities and differences between the two patternsChapter 3 A Brief Introduction to the Cognitive Theory3.1 The relation between syntax and semantics3.2 Prototype and Categorization3.3 Family Resemblances and Gestalt3.4 Idealized Cognitive Models and Image Schemas3.5 The theory of MetaphorChapter 4 A Cognitive Contrastive Analysis4.1 Cognitive contrast of prototype in categorization between the two patterns4.1.1 A prototypical category of PP4.1.2 A prototypical category of SVOC Pattern4.1.3 Similarities and differences in prototypical category of both4.2 Cognitive contrast of the schematization of ICM in SVOC and PP4.2.1 Image Schemata of ICM in PP4.2.2 Image Schemata of ICM in SVOC Pattern4.2.3 The similarities and differences between their cognitive schemata4.3 Cognitive contrast of syntax metaphors in the two patterns4.3.1 Metaphorical extensions of PP4.3.2 Metaphorical extensions of SVOC Pattern4.3.3 Similarities and differences in syntax metaphors4.4 SummaryChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Contributions of the study5.2 The implication for translation and language teaching5.3 Limitations and suggestions for further researchNotesReferencesAcknowledgementPublished papers during study of MA
标签:兼语句式论文; 句式论文; 认知对比论文; 原型论文; 意象图式论文; 语法隐喻论文;