摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Reaserch Background1.2 The Aim of the Thesis1.3 The Significance of the Thesis1.4 The Layout of the Thesis and Research methodsChapter 2 Theoretical Founation and Literature Review2.1 Theoretical Foundation and Some Basic Concepts2.1.1 Language Policy2.1.2 Language and Identity2.1.3 “English Only”2.1.4 Bilingual Education2.2 Previous Studies2.2.1 Previous Study Abroad2.2.2 Previous Study at Home2.2.3 A CommentChapter 3 American Language Policy in the Twentieth Century3.1 A Historical View on U.S. Language Policy3.2 American Language Policy in the Twentieth Century3.2.1 The First Turning Point in 1960S3.2.1.1 Strengthening English Only in the Early 20th Century3.2.1.2 The Struggle of Hispanic Americans3.2.1.3 The Bilingual Education ActA. The Prelude of The Bilingual Education ActB. The Bilingual Education Act3.2.2 The Second Turning Point in 1980S3.2.2.1 The Development of Bilingual Education in 1970S3.2.2.2 The “English Only”MovementA. The Overture of “English Only”MovementB. “English Only”Movement3.2.3 SummaryChapter 4 The Analysis of American Language Policy in the 20th Century4.1 The Background of American Language Policy in the 20th century4.1.1 The Background of the First Turning4.1.1.1 International Situation4.1.1.2 National SituationA. The Civil Rights MovementB. The Increase of ImmigrantsC. The Development of Economy4.1.2 The Background of the Second Turing4.1.2.1 International Situation4.1.2.2 National SituationA. The Increase of the National SenseB. The Attitude of Ronald ReaganC. ANation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform4.2 The Nature of American Language Policy in the Twentieth Century4.2.1 Rethinking about Bilingual Education Act of 19684.2.2 Review on “English Only”4.2.3 Summary4.3 Factors in U.S Language Policy-making in the Twentieth Century4.3.1 The policital structure4.3.2 The State Government4.3.3 The Ideology of Americans4.3.3.1 Linguistic Assimilation and Nationalism4.3.3.2 Monolingual English Ideology and Language-as-problem Orientation4.3.3.3 Standard English IdeologyChapter 5 Implication5.1 Struggle and Conflict Existing in Language Contact5.2 The Close Relation between Language and Culture5.3 The Close Relation between Language and PowerChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 The Major Findings6.2 The Limitations and Future SuggestionReferencesAppendixAAppendixBAcknowledgements
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标签:惟英语论文; 双语教育论文; 美国语言政策论文;