AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要ContentsList of TablesChapter I Introduction1.1 Background of This Study1.2 The Rationale for Studying Formative Assessment1.3 The Significance of the Application of the Formative Assessment to English Majors1.4 Aims and Hypotheses of This Thesis1.5 Overview of This ThesisChapter II Literature Review2.1 A General Review of Assessment Development2.2 The development of Formative Assessment Abroad2.3 Assessment Reform in China2.4 Types of Classroom Assessment2.5 Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment2.5.1 Definitions of Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment2.5.2 Comparisons of Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment2.5.3 Characteristics of Formative Assessment2.5.4 Functions of Formative AssessmentChapter III Theoretical Background for This Study3.1 Theories Related to Formative Assessment3.1.1 Humanism Theory3.1.2 Constructivism3.1.3 Cognitive Psychology3.2 A Review of Learning Strategies3.2.1 Definitions of Learning Strategies3.2.2 Classifications of Learning Strategies3.2.2.1 Classifications of Learning Strategies of Rubin3.2.2.2 Classifications of Learning Strategies of Chen Xiaotang and Zheng Min3.2.2.3 The Learning Strategies Involved in the Questionnaire of This Research3.3 A Review of Learning Attitudes3.3.1 Definition of Learning Attitudes3.3.2 Component of Language Learning Attitudes3.4 The Possible Relationship of Learning Strategies, Learning Attitudes and Formative AssessmentChapter IV Research Design and Methodology4.1 Introduction4.2 Subjects4.3 Instruments4.3.1 Tests of English Major before and after Experiment4.3.2 Questionnaire before and after Experiment4.4 Data Collection and AnalysisChapter V Application of Formative Assessment in English Majors5.1 Principles of Conducting Formative Assessment5.2 The Methods of Formative Assessment5.2.1 Self-assessment5.2.2 Peer-assessment5.2.3 Teacher-assessment5.2.4 Collaboration-assessment5.3 The Tools and Techniques of Formative Assessment5.3.1 Observation in the Classroom5.3.2 Interviews5.3.3 Student Portfolios5.3.4 Questionnaires5.3.5 Dialogue Journals5.4 Suggested Assessing Models Based on Formative AssessmentChapter VI Results and Discussions6.1 Comparison of Learning Strategies Used and Attitudes Held by the treatment class and the control class6.1.1 Learning Strategies Used and Learning Attitudes Held by the Treatment Class before and after Experiment6.1.2 Learning Strategies Used and Learning Attitudes Held by the Control Class before and after Experiment6.1.3 Comparison of Learning Strategies Used and Learning Attitudes Held by the Treatment Class and the Control Class after Experiment6.2 Comparison of Results of the TEM4 Test of the Treatment Class and the Control Class6.2.1 Learning Outcomes of the Treatment Class before and after Experiment6.2.2 Learning Outcomes of the Control Class before and after the Two-term Normal Learning6.2.3 Comparison of Learning Outcomes of the Treatment Class and the Control Class after ExperimentChapter VII Conclusion7.1 Major Findings7.2 Pedagogical Implications7.2.1 Implication for English Teaching and Learning7.2.2 Suggested Solutions to Potential Problems of the Implementation of Formative Assessment in English Teaching7.3 Limitations of This Study and Suggestions for Further Research7.3.1 Limitation of the Study7.3.2 Suggested Areas for Future Research7.4 SummaryReferencesAppendixAppendix A TEM4 Test (2004)Appendix B TEM4 Test (2003)Appendix C 英语学习策略和态度的情况调查Publications
标签:形成性评价论文; 终极评价论文; 英语学习策略论文; 英语学习态度论文; 英语学习成绩论文;