AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Research Significance1.3 Structure of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 An Introduction to German Functionalism2.2 The Functions of the Three Text Types2.2.1 The Function of the Informative Text2.2.2 The Function of the Expressive Text2.2.3 The Function of the Operative Text2.3 An Introduction to Skopos Theory2.3.1 The Definition of Skopos Theory2.3.2 The Background and Development of Skopos Theory2.3.3 Rules of Skopos Theory2.3.3.1 Skopos Rule2.3.3.2 The Coherence Rule2.3.3.3 The Fidelity Rule2.3.4 Translation Types Based on Skopos Theory2.3.4.1 Documentary Translation2.3.4.2 Instrumental TranslationChapter 3 A Comparative Study of the Two Chinese Versions of Moment inPeking from the Perspective of German Functionalism3.1 An Introduction to Lin Yutang and Moment in Peking3.2 An Introduction to the Two Chinese Versions of Moment in Peking3.3 A Comparative Study of the Two Chinese Versions from the Perspective of German Functionalism3.3.1 A Comparative Study of Text Functions3.3.1.1 The Translation of the Informative Text3.3.1.2 The Translation of the Expressive Text3.3.1.3 The Translation of the Operative Text3.3.2 A Comparative Study of the Translation Types Selected by the Two Translators3.3.2.1 Documentary Translation3. Interlineal Translation3. Literal Translation3. Philological Translation3. Exoticizing Translation3.3.2.2 Instrumental Translation3. Target Reader-Oriented Translation3. Hetero-Functional Translation3. Homologous TranslationChapter 4 Conclusion4.1 Major Findings4.2 Possible Contrbutions to Present Study4.3 Limitation of the Thesis4.4 Suggestions for Future ResearchReferences
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