Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Edith Wharton1.2 About The House of Mirth and The Age of InnocenceChapter 2 The Writing Background Comparison between the Two Novels2.1 The Writing Background of The House of Mirth2.2 The Writing Background of The Age of Innocence2.3 The ComparisonChapter 3 Wharton's Worldviews Reflected through the Protagonists' Comparisons between the Two Novels3.1 Wharton's Worldview towards Women3.1.1 Lily3.1.2 Ellen3.2 Wharton's Worldview towards Society and Personal Realization3.2.1 Lily's Self-realization3.2.2 Archer's Self-realization3.2.3 Ellen's Self-realization3.2.4 The Maturity of the Characters3.3 Wharton's Worldview towards Love3.3.1 Selden's Manipulation over Lily3.3.2 Ellen's Manipulation over Archer3.3.3 The ComparisonChapter 4 Wharton's Worldview Transition from Waste to Maturity4.1 The Relation between the Protagonists and Wharton Herself4.1.1 Lily and Wharton4.1.2 Archer and Wharton4.1.3 Ellen and Wharton4.2 The Transition of Wharton's Worldview4.2.1 Waste in The House of Mirth4.2.2 Maturity in The Age of Innocence4.2.3 The Transition from Waste to MaturityChapter 5 ConclusionWorks Cited攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文和取得的科研成果
标签:欢乐之家论文; 纯真年代论文; 世界观转变论文; 主要人物对比论文;
论伊迪丝·华顿世界观的转变 ——从《欢乐之家》到《纯真年代》的主人公对比分析