Abstract摘要ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS1. Introduction1.1 Problems in present reading teaching and the reason1.1.1 The ineffectiveness of the traditional teaching models1.1.2 Main factors of affecting reading comprehension1.1.2.1 Reading interests1.1.2.2 Characteristics of students1.2 The necessity of research1.3 Research questions2.Approaches to Educational Psychology Relevant to the Present Research2.1 Humanistic approaches2.1.1 Erik Erickson2.1.2 Abraham Maslow2.1.3 Carl Rogers2.2 Social interactionism2.2.1 Lev Vygotsky2.2.2 Reuven Feuerstein3.Researches on Reading and Reading Comprehension3.1 A brief introduction to the research of reading3.1.1 Definition of reading3.1.2 Models of Reading Processes3.1.3 Reading Types3.1.4 Reading strategies involved in reading comprehension3.2 The reasons for applying task-based approach in reading class3.2.1 Defining effective reading comprehension3.2.2 The reasons for encouraging students to do reading tasks4.ARationale forTask-based Approach4.1 Introduction to the TBLT4.1.1 The theoretical background of Task-based language teaching4.1.1.1 John Dewey4.1.1.2 Jane Willis4.1.1.3 David Nunan4.1.2 The Definitions and types of task4.1.2.1 Definition of the task4.1.2.2 Types of task4.1.3 The features and principles of TBLT4.1.3.1 The features of TBLT4.1.3.2 The principles of TBLT4. Three principles for materials designers4. From principle to Practice4.2 Implementing tasks to manipulate attentional focus4.2.1 The pre-task phase4.2.1.1 Reasons for using pre-task activities4.2.1.2 Three types of pre-task activities4.2.2 The during –task phase4.2.2.1 Manipulation of attention4.2.2.2 Three parts of the during-task phase4.2.3 Post-task activities4.3 The advantages of task-based approach in improving reading comprehension5.The Application of Tasked-based approach in Reading Class5.1 Select appropriate reading materials5.2 Activate Prior knowledge5.3 Building motivation5.4 Task-based approaches used in communicative reading5.4.1 Pre-reading tasks5.4.2 While-reading tasks5.4.3 Post-reading tasks5.5 The experiment of task-based approach in reading class in vocational school5.5.1 The design of the experiment5.5.2 The result of the experiment and analysis5.5.3 Discussion about the experiment6.CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATION FOR FUTURE STUDY6.1 Conclusions6.2 Implication6.3 LimitationREFERENCES
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标签:阅读理解论文; 任务型教学法论文; 阅读课堂论文; 读者论文;