Abstract摘要ContentsChapter One Introduction1.1 The Signifocance and Objective of the Thesis1.2 Methodology1.3 The Content of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 The Definition of the Interpretation2.2 The Categories of the Interpretation2.2.1 The Simultaneous Interpretation2.2.2 The Consecutive Interpretation2.2.3 Differences between the Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation2.3 Previous Studies of the Interpretation2.3.1 Semantic Approach2.3.2 Pragmatic Approach2.3.3 Functional Approach2.3.4 Cognitive Psychology Approach2.4 The Press Conference Interpretation2.4.1 The Characteristics of the Press Conference Interpretation2.4.1.1 The Characteristics in the Content2.4.1.2 The Characteristics in the Language2.4.1.3 The Characteristics in the Function2.4.2 The Existing Problems in the Press Conference InterpretationChapter Three Theoretical Bases3.1 The Definition of Frame Theory3.2 The Development of Frame Theory3.3 The Characteristics of Cognitive Frame3.4 Differences between Chinese and Westerners in Terms of Cognitive Frame3.4.1 The Same Expression in the Same Cognitive Frame3.4.2 Different Expressions in the Same Cognitive Frame3.4.3 The Same Expression in Different Cognitive Frames3.4.4 No Corresponding Cognitive Frame3.5 The Feasibility Research on Press Conference Interpretation by Frame TheoryChapter Four Strategies in Consecutive Interpretation Guided by the Frame Theory4.1 The Application of Literal Translation Strategy in the Same Cognitive Frame4.2 The Application of Free Translation Strategy in Different Cognitive Frames4.2.1 Partly Different Cognitive Frames4.2.1.1 Complementing Information4.2.1.2 Borrowing Expressions Existing in the Target Language4.2.2 Totally Different Cognitive Frames4.2.2.1 Transliterating Words without Corresponding Expressions4.2.2.2 Paraphrasing Words Causing Different Meanings4.2.2.3 Further Explanation of Specific ExpressionsChapter Five ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
标签:交替传译论文; 框架理论论文; 认知框架论文; 翻译策略论文;