致股民信一般被放在年报的开篇部分。撰写人在措词及语篇组织等方面都必须非常谨慎,以赢得股民的信任并吸引潜在客户,因此致股民信可以算得上是写作的范本,具有很高的研究价值。同时由于很多读者觉得英文年报和致股民信难以读懂,而在中国又缺乏相关的研究,很有必要对英文年报及致股民信展开详细的分析。本文采用了定性与定量分析相结合的方法。定性分析主要是从主位推进的角度并结合一些衔接手段详细分析两者如何结合使用以达到致股民信的交际目的。经过大量例证与详细分析,总结出了几种出现频率最高的主位推进模式与衔接手段,及其内在联系。为了使研究结果更具说服力,本文对31篇致股民信进行了定量分析,并借助SPSS 13.0软件对统计数据进行了对比分析。本研究成果可应用于专门用途英语教学和国际商务活动两方面。英语学习者可以把语言组织得更合理更具有说服性,以提高英语写作、阅读和口头交际能力。国际商务人士可以迅速有效阅读年报,并准确掌握致股民信传达的信息,以便做出正确的投资决策。
Abstract摘要ContentsList of FiguresAbbreviationsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 General statement1.2 Rationale of the study1.2.1 Motivation of the present research1.2.2 Reasons for adopting a TP approach1.3 Significance of the study1.4 Thesis organizationChapter 2 Methodology2.1 Procedures for data collection2.2 Specific procedures for data analysis2.3 Research questions2.4 Research proceduresChapte r3 Literature Review3.1 Studies of TP3.1.1 Studies of theme abroad and at home3.1.2 Studies of TP abroad3.1.3 Applications of TP abroad3.1.4 Studies of TP at home3.1.5 Applications of TP at home3.1.6 Summary3.2 Studies of CARs and the LTS3.2.1 Studies of CARs and the LTS abroad3.2.2 Studies of CARs and the LTS at home3.2.3 Summary3.3 Comments on the previous studiesChapter 4 Theoretical Framework4.1 TP4.1.1 The Parallel TP pattern4.1.2 The Continuous TP pattern4.1.3 The Concentrated TP pattern4.1.4 The Alternate TP pattern4.1.5 The Coordinate TP pattern4.1.6 The Derivative TP pattern4.1.7 The Irregular TP pattern4.1.8 Summary of the TP patterns4.2 Textual cohesive devices4.3 Theoretical framework of the present study4.4 SummaryChapter 5 Description and Results of the Analysis of the Letters to Shareholders5.1 Characteristics of the TP patterns and the TCDs5.2 Interactions between the TP Patterns and the TCDs5.3 Analysis of one LTS sample5.4 Discussion5.4.1 Choices of TP patterns5.4.1.1 Preferred TP patterns5.4.1.2 Less preferred TP patterns5.4.2 Choices of TCDs in the process of thematic progression5.4.2.1 Preferred TCDs5.4.2.2 Less preferred TCDs5.5 Cultural factors5.6 SummaryChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Major findings of this study6.2 Implications and application of this study6.3 Limitations of this study6.4 Suggestions for further studiesReferencesAcknowledgementsAppendixSample 18:IBM 2006 Annual ReportTP patterns and TCDs used in the sample of 18在学期间的科研成果及发表的学术论文
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标签:主位推进论文; 衔接手段论文; 致股民信论文; 美国上市公司论文;