AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要IntroductionChapter One Satire as a Rhetorical Device1.1 Definition of Satire1.2 Classic Satire in Western Literature1.3 Classic Satire in Chinese Literature1.4 Satire in Fortress BesiegedChapter Two Metaphor and Metaphor Translation2.1 Definition of Metaphor and Metaphorical Language2.2 A Review of Metaphor Study2.3 Metaphor Translation2.3.1 Metaphor Translation in the West2.3.2 Metaphor Translation in China2.4 Metaphor in Fortress Besieged2.4.1 Depth in Impression Conveyed by Vehicle2.4.2 Combination with Other Figures of Speech2.4.2.1 Synaesthesia2.4.2.2 Symbolization2.4.2.3 Exaggeration2.4.2.4 Personification2.4.2.5 Allusion and Satire2.4.3 Variety in Exchange of Concrete and Abstract Image2.4.3.1 Concrete Vehicle for Concrete Tenor2.4.3.2 Concrete Vehicle for Abstract Tenor2.4.3.3 Abstract Vehicle for Concrete Tenor2.4.3.4 Abstract Vehicle for Abstract TenorChapter Three Functional Equivalent Theory3.1 Theories on Equivalence3.2 Nida and his Functional Equivalent Theory3.2.1 Definition of Functional Equivalence3.2.1.1 The Receptor3.2.1.2 The Effect3.2.1.3 The Equivalence3.3 Newmark’s Attitude at Functional Equivalence3.4 The Significance of Functional EquivalenceChapter Four A Case Study of Satirical Metaphor Translation in Fortress Besieged4.1 Features of Satirical Metaphor in Fortress Besieged4.1.1 Satirical Metaphor in Caricaturing Society4.1.2 Satirical Metaphor in Dipicting Culture4.1.3 Satirical Metaphor in Picturing Life4.2 Satirical Metaphor Translation in Fortress Besieged4.2.1 Reproducing the Same Vehicle in TL4.2.1.1 Successful Reproduction of Vehicle concerning Western Allusion4.2.1.2 Successful Reproduction of Vehicle for Language Universality4.2.1.3 Improper Reproduction of Vehicle Involving Chinese Culture4.2.1.4 Improper Reproduction of Vehicle Owing to Translators’Misunderstanding4.2.2 Converting the Vehicle in SL to a New One in TL4.2.3 Converting Metaphor to Non- metaphor4.2.4 Adding a New Vehicle to Intensify the Image of Tenor4.2.5 Adding Footnotes to Facilitate Understanding4.3 SummaryConclusionBibliography
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