ABSTRACT摘要IntroductionBackground of the present studyObjectives of the present studyOutline of the thesisChapter One Literature Review1.1 Issues concerning learner autonomy1.1.1 Definition of learner autonomy1.1.2 Learner autonomy and autonomous learning1.1.3 Related terminology1.1.4 Characteristics of autonomous learners1.1.5 Traditional teaching model1.1.6.Levels of autonomous learning1.2 Necessity and importance of fostering learner autonomy1.2.1 The goal of modern education1.2.2 Individual learner differences1.2.3 The goal of teaching College English1.3 Theoretical grounds of learner autonomy1.3.1 Philosophical basis of learner autonomy1.3.2 Humanism1.3.3 Humanism in English language teaching1.3.4 Constructivism1.3.5 Cognitive psychology1.3.6 Theories of education1.4 Factors affecting learner autonomy1.4.1 Language learning aptitude1.4.2 Personality1.4.3 Attitudes1.4.4 Motivation1.4.5 Language learning strategies1.4.6 Educational technology1.5 SummaryChapter Two Methodology2.1 Research questions2.2 Subjects2.3 Research instrument and data collection procedures2.4 SummaryChapter Three Results and Discussion3.1 Analysis of the results of the items regarding learning motivation3.2 Analysis of the results of the items regarding self-management3.3 Analysis of the results of the items regarding learning process3.4 Analysis of the results of the items regarding teachers' help3.5 Analysis of the results of the items regarding students' mutual help3.6 Analysis of the results of the items regarding students' available learning materials3.7 SummaryChapter Four Implications4.1 Approaches to fostering autonomy in foreign language learning4.1.1 Inspiring learners' awareness of autonomous learning4.1.2 Inspiring learners' intrinsic motivation4.1.3 Strategy training4.1.3.1 The strategic teaching model4.1.3.2 Procedures for strategy training in foreign language teaching4.1.4 Classroom-based approach4.1.5 Technology-based approach4.1.5.1 Computer-assisted language learning4.1.5.2 The internet4.1.6 Teacher's role to fostering autonomy in foreign language learning4.1.7 Encouraging cooperative learning to fostering autonomy4.1.8 Establishment of self-access center4.2 SummaryConclusionSummary of major findingsLimitations of the studyRecommendations for further studyAppendicesAppendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAppendix ⅢAppendix ⅣBibliographyAcknowledgementsPublications学位论文评阅及答辩情况表
标签:自主学习论文; 能力培养论文; 人本主义论文; 认知心理学论文;