中文摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 research background1.2 objectives of this thesis1.3 significance of this research1.4 organization of this thesisChapter 2 Literature review2.1 Definition and characteristics of passive voice2.1.1 Voice defined2.1.2 Characteristics of passive voice2.2 Views about classification of passive voice2.2.1 Quirk's view about classification of passive voice2.2.1.1 Agentive passives2.2.1.2 Quasi-passives2.2.1.3 Non-agentive passive/intensive active complement construction2.2.2 Quirk's passive scale2.2.3 Granger's view2.3 Classification in this thesis2.3.1 Be+Ved construction2.3.1.1 True passive or central passive2.3.1.2 Semi-passive2.3.1.3 Pseudo-passive2.3.2 Get+Ved construction2.3.3 Have+O+Ved construction2.3.4 The middle construction2.4 Quirk's classification of active and passive clause types2.4.1 Seven basic active clause types2.4.2 Grammatical transformation between active and passive clause types2.5 Historical views on passive voice2.6 Limitation on previous researchChapter 3 Theoretical framework3.1 Interlanguage3.1.1 Introduction of interlanguage3.1.2 Definition of interlanguage3.1.3 Five processes of interlanguage3.1.4 Characteristics of interlanguage3.1.5 Gary Barkhuizen's explanation of IL3.1.6 Adjemian's classification about IL3.2 Language transfer3.2.1 Concept of language transfer3.2.2 Classification of language transfer3.2.3 Manifestation of language transfer3.2.3.1 Positive transfer3.2.3.2 Negative transfer3.2.4 Transfer and overgeneralization3.2.5 William Littlewood's explanation about language transfer3.2.5.1 Transfer3.2.5.2 Generalization3.3 Fossilization3.3.1 Selinker's definition of fossilization3.4 Error Analysis3.4.1 Nature of error analysis3.4.2 Aims of error analysis3.4.3 Three types of error analysis in passives3.5 Comparative analysis3.5.1 Comparative typology3.5.2 Topic-prominence and subject-prominence3.5.3 The scope of passives3.5.4 Explicit and implicit characteristics3.6 Markedness theory3.6.1 Markedness differential hypothesisChapter 4 Research Design4.1 Methods4.1.1 Subject selection4.1.2 Approach4.1.3 Research instrument4.1.4 Test and questionnaire4.2 Procedure4.2.1 Testing procedure4.2.2 Determining norms and criteria procedure4.2.3 Data collection procedureChapter 5 Data Analysis and Discussion5.1 Data analysis of three error types5.1.1 Classification of three error types5.1.2 Data analysis of three error types5.2 Data analysis of each part5.2.1 General descriptive statistics5.2.2 Data presentation and analysis of part 1 and part Data analysis of SVO structure5.2.2.2 Data analysis of Subject+predicator+that clause5.2.2.3 Data analysis of SVOC structure5.2.2.4 Data analysis of SVOO5.2.2.5 Data analysis of SVO+infinitive phrase5.2.2.6 Data analysis of modal auxiliary verb5.3.3 Data analysis of Part 35.3.4 Data analysis of Part 45.3.5 Data analysis of Part 5Chapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Major findings6.2 Pedagogical implication6.3 Limitations of the present study6.4 Suggestions for further researchReferencesAppendixAcknowledgements
标签:被动态论文; 中介语论文; 语言迁移论文; 错误分析论文; 标记理论论文;