Abstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Necessity of the research1.2 Purpose of the research1.3 Structure of the thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Researches on theme-based theories2.1.1 Researches on theme and thematic structure2.1.2 Contrastive analysis of thematic structure in Chinese and English2.1.3 Researches on thematic progression2.1.4 Researches on patterns of thematic progression2.2 Application of theme-based theories to textual translation studies2.2.1 Researches on theme as the unit of textual translation2.2.2 Researches on transference of thematic structure in textual translation2.2.3 Researches on functions of TP in textual translation2.2.4 Researches on transference of TP patterns in textual translationChapter 3 Thematic Progression and Textual Translation3.1 Descriptive approach to Translation Studies3.2 Patterns of thematic progression in texts3.2.1 Definition of theme3.2.2 Definition of thematic progression3.2.3 Classification of patterns of thematic progression3.2.4 Differences of thematic structure between Chinese and English3.3 Thematic progression in textual translation3.3.1 Theme and textual translation3.3.2 Thematic progression and textual translationChapter 4 Research Methodology4.1 Research questions4.2 Research hypotheses4.3 Data collection4.4 Research methods4.5 Research feasibilityChapter 5 Transference of Patterns of Thematic Progression5.1 Data processing5.1.1 Data annotation for statistics5.1.2 Identification of patterns of thematic progression5.2 Strategies of transference of TP patterns (based on paragraph)5.2.1 Statistical analysis5.2.2 Preserving TP patterns in the source text5.2.3 Adjusting TP patterns in the source text5.2.4 Reconstructing TP patterns in the target text5.3 Transference of TP patterns (based on sentence group)5.3.1 Statistical analysis5.3.2 Maintaining the original TP patterns5.3.3 Changing the original TP patterns5.4 Analysis of the changes of TP patterns5.4.1 Statistical analysis5.4.2 Topic theme in Chinese being transferred to subject theme in English5.4.3 Implicit theme in Chinese being transferred to explicit theme in English5.4.4 Theme in the source text being transferred to rheme in the target text5.4.5 Clauses being re-organized in the target text5.4.6 Other causesChapter 6 Factors Underlying the Transference of TP Patterns6.1 Linguistic factors6.1.1 Subject-prominent vs topic-prominent6.1.2 Hypotaxis vs parataxis6.2 Different thinking patterns between Chinese and English6.3 Translator’s purposesChapter 7 Conclusion7.1 Findings of the research7.2 Limitations of the research7.3 Suggestions for further researchReferencesAcknowledgementsAppendixPublications
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标签:语篇翻译论文; 主位论文; 主位推进论文; 主位推进模式论文; 转换论文;