Acknowledgement中文摘要AbstractContentsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Research Objectives and Questions1.3 Organization of the thesisChapter 2 Theoretical Framework2.1 Markedness2.1.1 Definition of Markedness2.1.2 Criteria for Judging Markedness and Unmarkedness2.1.3 Markedness and Acquisition2.1.4 Markedness and Transfer2.2 The Subset Principle2.2.1 The subset principle hypothesis2.2.2 The Subset principle and second language acquisition2.2.3 The Subset principle and markedness2.3 Universal Grammar2.3.1 UG and language acquisition2.3.2 Universal Grammar and second language acquisition2.4 The Null-subject Parameter2.4.1 The Morphological Uniformity Principle2.4.2 Features of Null-Subject ParameterChapter3 Literature Review3.1 Previous Studies of Markedness and Transfer3.2 Previous Study on the Subset Principle and TransferChapter 4 The Present study4.1 Hypothesis4.2 Methodology4.2.1 Participants4.2.2 Instruments and Design4.2.3 Data Collection4.3 Results and Discussion4.3.1 Expletive “it”subject4.3.2 Results of the Expletive “there”Subject4.3.3 Results of the Expletive Weather “it”Subject4.3.4 Results of the Null Referential Pronoun SubjectChapter 5 Concluding Remarks5.1 Major Findings5.2 Implications of the Study5.3 Limitation of the Study and Recommendations for Future StudyReferenceAppendix
标签:语言迁移论文; 标记性论文; 子集原则论文; 制约论文; 空主语论文;