Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Research Purpose1.2 Research Significance1.3 Research Methodology1.4 Research FrameworkChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Studies on Cohesion Abroad2.2 Studies on Cohesion at Home2.3 Thinking about Cohesion from an Ontological PerspectiveChapter Three The Ontological Nature of Explicit Cohesion3.1 Reference Cohesion3.2 Substitution Cohesion3.3 Ellipsis Cohesioo3.4 Conjunction Cohesion3.5 Lexical Cohesion3.6 Adjacent Pair Cohesion3.7 Parallel and Symmetrical Structure CohesionChapter Four The Ontological Nature of Implicit Cohesion4.1 The Influence of Non-personal Factors on Cohesion4.1.1 Social and cultural context4.1.2 Situational context4.1.3 Pragmatic presupposition4.1.4 The whole semantic environment4.2 The Influence of Personal Factors on Cohesion4.2.1 Language knowledge4.2.2 Psychological thinking4.2.3 Characteristics on the phonological level4.3 ConclusionChapter Five Application to Multimodal Teaching5.1 A Brief Introduction to Multimodal Theory5.2 Interaction of Different Modalities in Multimodal Classroom Design5.3 Implications on Multimodal Classroom TeachingChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Major Findings6.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further ResearchReferences在读期间科研成果和获奖情况
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