AcknowledgementsAbstract中文摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 The object of the present study1.2 Motivation1.3 The objective of the study1.4 The research methodology and source of data1.5 The use of the terms “speaker/hearer”and other synonymous terms1.6 OverviewChapter Two A Review of Previous Studies on Ambiguity2.1 Introduction2.2 Definition of ambiguity2.3 Different approaches to the study of ambiguity2.3.1 The philosophical approach2.3.2 The linguistic approach2.3.3 The psycholinguistic approach2.3.4 The pragmatic approach2.4 SummaryChapter Three A Description of the Conceptual Framework3.1 Introduction3.2 The delimitation of intentional ambiguity3.2.1 The working definition of intentional ambiguity3.2.2 Intentional ambiguity vs. pragmatic vagueness3.2.3 Intentional ambiguity vs. pun3.2.4 Intentional ambiguity vs. deliberate misinterpretation3.3 A discussion of the theoretical basis of the framework3.3.1 Verschueren’s linguistic adaptation theory3.3.2 Brown and Levinson’s face theory3.3.3 Grice’s cooperative principle and conversational implicature3.4 Characterization of the conceptual framework3.4.1 Intentional ambiguity as a result of linguistic choice-making3.4.2 Intentional ambiguity as a product of negotiation and adaptation3.4.3 Intentional ambiguity as a way to satisfy communicative needs3.5 SummaryChapter Four Manipulation of Intentional Ambiguity4.1 Introduction4.2 The notion of linguistic manipulation4.3 Linguistic manipulation for intentional ambiguity4.3.1 Linguistic manipulation on the phonological level4.3.2 Linguistic manipulation on the lexical level4.3.3 Linguistic manipulation on the syntactic level4.3.4 Linguistic manipulation on the pragmatic level4.4 SummaryChapter Five Adaptability of Intentional Ambiguity5.1 Introduction5.2 The notion of adaptability5.3 Adaptation realized through intentional ambiguity5.3.1 Adaptation directed by “self”5.3.2 Adaptation directed by “others”5.4 SummaryChapter Six Functionality of Intentional Ambiguity6.1 Introduction6.2 Defining the notion of functionality6.3 The communicative functions of intentional ambiguity6.3.1 Enhancing the appropriateness of the utterance6.3.2 Creating special communicative effects6.3.3 Reversing unfavorable situation6.4 The mechanism for the performance of the special functions6.4.1 Intentional ambiguity: loose use of language6.4.2 Intentional ambiguity: lower degree of accessibility and more functions6.5 SummaryChapter Seven Conclusion7.1 Introduction7.2 Major findings7.2.1 Intentional ambiguity: a highly motivated linguistic manipulation7.2.2 Intentional ambiguity: a result of linguistic adaptation7.2.3 Intentional ambiguity: an effective communicative strategy in verbal communication7.2.4 Intentional ambiguity: a revelation of the dynamic process of language use7.3 Implications7.4 Limitations7.5 Suggestions for further studyReferences
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标签:蓄意歧义论文; 言语交际论文; 语言选择论文; 顺应性论文; 功能性论文;