AcknowledgementsAbstract内容摘要Note on TranscriptionsChapter One Introduction1.1. The Origin of the Study1.2. Aims and Rationale for the Study1.3. The Structure of the ThesisChapter Two A Review of the Relevant Literature2.1. Situating the Self2.1.1. The Cartesian Rational Self2.1.2. The Influence of James' Work on the Self2.1.3. The Narrative Turn2.1.4. Bakhtin's Polyphonic Novel: From Narrative to Dialogue2.1.5. The Dialogical Self: On the Interface between James and Bakhtin2.2. Teacher Identity2.2.1. The Teacher as a Subject Matter Expert2.2.2. The Teacher as a Pedagogical Expert2.2.3. The Teacher as a Didactical Expert2.3. Bakhtin and His Dialogism2.3.1. Bakhtin and His Thoughts2.3.2. Dialogism2.3.3. Dialogic Forms2.3.4. Dialogism and Teachers' StoriesChapter Three Research Methodology3.1. Case Study3.2. Data Collection3.3. Data AnalysisChapter Four Understanding through Narrative: Stories of Two Teachers4.1. Introduction4.2. Stories about Tandy and Pauline4.2.1. Background4.2.2. Identity Development during the Modernization of China4.3. Self Understanding through Inquiry4.3.1. The Story of Mine4.3.2. Brief Reflection4.4. ConclusionChapter Five The Interpretation of Teachers' Stories5.1. Introduction5.2. Dialogicality in Teachers' Stories5.2.1. "Great Dialogue" Between the Chinese Tradition and American Culture5.2.1.2. Between Traditional Values and Modern Values5.2.1.3. Between Globalization and Localization5.2.2. "Microdialogue"5.3. Summary: The Dialogical Self of TeachersChapter Six Conclusion: Implications for the Construction of Hybrid Teacher IdentitiesBibliographyAppendicesAppendix I : Transcriptions of Tandy's Data1) Classroom Discourse, 08/09/20062) Classroom Discourse, 12/09/20063) Stimulated Recall Discussion, 30/10/20064) Informal Open Interview, 09/11/2006Appendix II: Transcriptions of Pauline's Data1) Small Talk during a Break, 22/09/20062) Informal Open Interview, 27/10/20063) Casual Conversation, 07/03/2007攻读学位期间发表的学术论文
标签:教师认同论文; 对话的自我论文; 教师故事论文; 教育叙事论文; 对话理论论文;