Abstract中文摘要IntroductionResearch backgroundAim and significance of the studyResearch questionsOrganization of the thesisChapter One Literature Review1.1 The reformation history of language teaching in the West1.2 Teaching models in current teaching practice1.3 Foreign language teaching in China1.3.1 A brief history of foreign language teaching in China1.3.2 Current situation of college English teaching1.4 Study on autonomous learning1.4.1 Autonomy1.4.2 Autonomous learner1.4.3 Study on autonomous learning in the West1.4.4 Study on autonomous learning in ChinaChapter Two A Suggested College English Teaching Model of Autonomous learning2.1 Current problems of autonomous learning in China2.2 Current problems of college English teaching in China2.3 Brief description of the new model2.4 Typical features of the model2.4.1 Changing roles of college English teachers in the model2.4.2 Changing roles of college English learners in the model2.4.3 The teaching environments in the model2.5 The advancement of the model2.6 Potential problems of the suggested modelChapter Three Research Methodology3.1 Research hypotheses3.2 Subjects3.3 Instruments3.3.1 Questionnaire3.3.2 Semi-structured interview3.3.3 Examination papersChapter Four Teaching Experiment Based on the Suggested Model4.1 Learner training4.1.1 Psychological preparations4.1.2 Methodological preparations4.2 Teaching procedure4.3 A sample lesson plan4.4 Teaching assessment4.4.1 Teacher-prepared assessment4.4.2 Portfolio assessmentChapter Five Experiment Results Analysis and Research Findings5.1 Questionnaire results analysis5.2 Interview results analysis5.3 Examination results analysis5.4 Major findings5.4.1 Benefits of the suggested model5.4.2 Limitations of the present study5.4.3 Suggestions for further researchConclusionReferencesAppendix IAppendix IIAppendix IIIAcknowledgements
标签:自主学习论文; 教学模式论文; 大学英语论文; 教师角色论文; 学习者角色论文;