AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要前言Chapter One Introduction1.1 Motivation and purpose of the research1.2 The structure of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Introduction2.2 Traditional teaching approach2.3 Linguistic competence2.4 Communicative approach2.5 Communicative competence2.5.1 Dell Hymes' theory2.5.2 Canale and Swain's theory2.5.3 Henry Widdowson's theory2.5.4 Bachman's theory2.6 The relationship between linguistic competence and communicative competence2.7 SummaryChapter Three Theoretical Foundations3.1 Introduction3.2 Metaphor3.2.1 The Comparison Theory3.2.2 The Substitution Theory3.2.3 The interaction view3.2.4 The Cognitive Theory3.2.4.1 The nature of metaphor3.2.4.2 Classification of conceptual metaphor3.2.4.3 Image schema3.3 Metaphorical competence3.4 The relationship among linguistic competence,communicative competence and metaphorical competence3.5 SummaryChapter Four Metaphorical Competence and Foreign Language Teaching4.1 A Survey on Metaphorical Competence of non-English majors in China4.1.1 Research objective4.1.2 Subjects4.1.3 Materials and Design4.1.4 Data collection4.1.5 Data Analysis and Results4.2 Metaphorical competence and conceptual fluency4.3 Cultivation of metaphorical competence4.3.1 Cultivation of metaphorical competence at lexical level4.3.2 Cultivation of metaphorical competence at grammatical level4.3.3 Cultivation of metaphorical competence at discoursal level4.4 Post-test interview4.5 Individual differences and language teaching4.6 SummaryChapter Five Conclusions5.1 Conclusions5.2 Limitations of the thesis5.3 Implication of the thesis and suggestions for further researchAppendix 1Appendix 2Bibliography
标签:隐喻论文; 隐喻能力论文; 外语教学论文;