摘要ABSTRACTChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Significance of the Study1.2 The Research Questions1.3 The Research Methodology1.4 Layout of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Relevant Theories of Corpus Linguistics2.1.1 Definition of Corpus and Corpus Linguistics2.1.2 Corpus Design and Compilation2.1.3 Corpus Analysis2.2 Relevant Theory of Lexicon2.2.1 Definition of Lexicon2.2.2 Classification of Lexicon2.2.3 Legal Lexicon2.3 The Reasons for the Persistence of Legalese2.4 Issues about Lexicon Cohesion2.4.1 Notion of Cohesion2.4.2 Lexical Cohesion2.4.3 Lexical CollocationChapter 3 Data Collection and Processing3.1 Introduction to Brown3.2 Introduction to STCW3.3 Tools for Data Processing3.4 Procedures for Data CollectionChapter 4 Results and Analysis4.1 Lexical Studies on STCW Corpus4.1.1 Study on Word Frequency4.1.2 Study on the 50 Most Frequent Words4.1.3 Study on Major Word Classes4.1.4 Frequency and Key-word Lists4.2 Lexical Collocation4.2.1 Antonyms4.2.2 Part-to-whole Relationship4.2.3 An Unordered Lexical Set4.2.4 Unsystematic Semantic Lexical Chain4.3 Distinctive Lexical Features in STCW4.3.1 Archaisms4.3.2 French and Latin Loan Lexicons4.3.3 Common Lexicons with Uncommon Meanings4.3.4 Frequent Use of Formal Lexicons and Long Lexicons4.4 SummaryChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Major Findings5.2 Some Implications from This Thesis5.3 Limitation of This ThesisReferencesAppendicesAcknowledgementsResume
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标签:语料库语言学论文; 词汇特点论文; 词汇搭配论文;