Abstract中文摘要Lsit of FiguresChapter One Introduction1.1 Object of the study1.2 Rationale of the study1.3 Objectives of the present study1.4 Methodology,terminology and data collection1.5 Organization of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 The initiator's overinformativeness2.1.1 Embedded speech acts2.1.2 Supportive moves2.2 The responder's overinformativeness2.2.1 Added moves2.2.2 Breaching of the Maxim of Quantity2.2.3 Dispreferred responses2.3 The initiator and responder's overinformativeness2.4 Comments on the previous studiesChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1 Basic notions3.1.1 Responder's overinformativeness(RO) A preliminary definition of RO3.1.1.2 RO versus information redundancy3.1.2 The notion of "context" under Relevance-Adaptation Model3.2 Relevant theories3.2.1 Introduction to the Relevance Theory3.2.2 Introduction to Linguistic Adaptation Theory3.2.3 The Relevance-Adaptation Model3.3 Theoretical framework of the present study3.4 SummaryChapter Four Variability and Functionality of RO4.1 Introduction4.2 The variability of RO4.2.1 Defining the notion of variability4.2.2 Major dimensions of RO4.2.2.1 Propositional content4.2.2.2 Information quantity4.3 The functionality of RO4.3.1 Defining the notion of functionality4.3.2 Communicative functions of RO4.3.2.1 Communicator-oriented functions4.3.2.2 Ongoing discourse-oriented functions4.4 SummaryChapter Five Mechanisms of RO under Relevance-Adaptation Model5.1 The production mechanism of RO under Relevance-Adaptation Model5.1.1 RO is relevance-oriented5.1.2 RO is a product under the interviewee's presumption of relevance with the context5.1.3 The production of RO is a process of making choices consciously5.2 The interpretation mechanism of RO under Relevance-Adaptation Model5.2.1 The interpretation of RO is also a process of ostensive-inference5.2.2 The interpretation of RO is a process of relevance-adaptation5.2.3 The interpretation of RO is a process of making choiceChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Introduction6.2 Major findings6.2.1 RO is variable6.2.2 RO is an intentional communicative strategy6.2.3 The production and interpretation of RO is a process of relevance-adaptation6.3 Implications6.4 Limitations6.5 Suggestions for further studyBibliographyAcknowledgements
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标签:应答语信息过量论文; 关联顺应模式论文; 多样性论文; 功能性论文;