摘要ABSTRACTAcknowledgementsNomenclatureList Of TablesList Of figuresIntroduction1.1 Preface1.1.1 Development of lighting1.1.2 LEDs advantages1.1.3 LEDs applications1.1.4 Lighting principle of LEDs1.1.5 Packaging materials of LEDs1.1.6 Structure of white LEDs1.1.7 Color temperature1.2 The status quo for study on light efficiency and color temperature of high power LEDs1.3 Research significance and contentExperimental Materials and Methods2.1 Experimental materials2.1.1 Phosphor2.1.2 Organic silicon casting glue2.1.3 Chip2.2 Experimental apparatus and equipment2.3 Property characterization2.3.1 X-ray diffracted ray (XRD)2.3.2 Raman spectroscopy2.3.3 Text of light efficiency and color temperature of LEDsPreparation of Phosphor Compound Film and Test on Its Relevant Performance3.1 Preface3.2 XRD phase component analysis of phosphor3.3 Preparation of phosphor compound film3.4 Dispersion uniformity of phosphor3.4.1 Phosphor sedimentation3.4.2 Particle agglomeration of phosphor3.5 Optical metallographic observe of phosphor compound film3.6 Raman spectrum analysis of phosphor compound film3.7 Chapter summaryPackaging and Performance Test of LEDs4.1 Preface4.2 Light reflector4.3 Structure and packaging flow of LEDs4.3.1 Dispensing4.3.2 Packaging structure that phosphor isolates from the chip4.4 Experimental results and discussion4.4.1 Influence of different packaging structures on the light efficiency and color temperature of white LEDs4.4.2 Influence of different phosphor on the light efficiency and color temperature of white LEDs4.4.3 Influence of phosphor compound film thickness and phosphor concentration on the light efficiency and color temperature of white LEDs4.4.4 Influence of the one to add the red phosphor on the light efficiency and color temperature of white LEDs4.4.5 Influence of material of light reflector on the light efficiency and color temperature of white LEDs4.4.6 Influence of material of light reflector on the light efficiency and color temperature of white LEDs4.5 Chapter summaryConclusionReferences
标签:大功率论文; 光效论文; 色温论文; 封装论文;