作者(2019)在《Deformation mechanism and dynamic precipitation in a Mg-7Al-2Sn alloy processed by surface mechanical attrition treatment》一文中研究指出:The effect of second phases on the deformation mechanism of as-cast, solution-treated and aged Mg-7Al-2Sn(AT72) alloys during surface mechanical attrition treatment(SMAT) was investigated. Twinning was suppressed in the alloys containing second phases, which can provide nonuniform microstructures and phase boundaries as dislocation sources. Dynamic precipitation in AT72 alloys was studied during SMAT deformation as well. Mg2Sn particles can dynamically precipitate on the surface of all AT72 alloys during SMAT process. The quantity of Mg2Sn particles in the as-cast alloy, which is determined by the initial quantity of second phases, is larger than that of T4 and T6 alloys after the SMAT process.
The effect of second phases on the deformation mechanism of as-cast, solution-treated and aged Mg-7Al-2Sn(AT72) alloys during surface mechanical attrition treatment(SMAT) was investigated. Twinning was suppressed in the alloys containing second phases, which can provide nonuniform microstructures and phase boundaries as dislocation sources. Dynamic precipitation in AT72 alloys was studied during SMAT deformation as well. Mg2Sn particles can dynamically precipitate on the surface of all AT72 alloys during SMAT process. The quantity of Mg2Sn particles in the as-cast alloy, which is determined by the initial quantity of second phases, is larger than that of T4 and T6 alloys after the SMAT process.
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:Deformation mechanism and dynamic precipitation in a Mg-7Al-2Sn alloy processed by surface mechanical attrition treatment论文