作者(2019)在《Would recycled plastics be a driving force in concrete technology?》一文中研究指出:1 Introduction The aim of this paper is an attempt to answer the title question. In less than a century concrete has become the most widely used construction material and in less than half a century it has become difficult to imagine concrete without polymers. However, what about the future?I have already tried to answer a similar question(Czarnecki, 2015; Czarnecki et al., 2018). However,
1 Introduction The aim of this paper is an attempt to answer the title question. In less than a century concrete has become the most widely used construction material and in less than half a century it has become difficult to imagine concrete without polymers. However, what about the future?I have already tried to answer a similar question(Czarnecki, 2015; Czarnecki et al., 2018). However,
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:Would recycled plastics be a driving force in concrete technology?论文