List of Figures and TablesAbbreviations and Transcription ConventionsAbstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Research Orientation1.2 The Object of Research1.3 Rationale for the Study1.4 Objectives of the Research1.5 Research Methodology1.6 Outline of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Introduction2.2 Research on Fairy Tales2.2.1 The Definition and History of Fairy Tales2.2.2 Different Approaches to Fairy Tales2.3 Research on Pragmatic Development2.3.1 The Definition of Pragmatic Development2.3.2 The Range of Pragmatic Development2.4 The Necessity of Bridging the Gap between Fairy-tales and Children's Pragmatic Development2.4.1 The Demerits of the Previous Studies2.4.2 The Natural Joint of Fairy-tale Speech Acts and Children's Pragmatic Development2.5 SummaryChapter Three A Theoretical Framework3.1 Introduction3.2 The Theoretical Basis for this Framework3.2.1 Language as the Basic Survival Way of Man3.2.2 Searle's Speech Act Theory3.2.2.1 Intentionality3.2.2.2 Social Reality3.2.2.3 Speech Acts3.2.3 Lacan's ISR Theory3.2.3.1 The Imaginary Order3.2.3.2 The Symbolic Order3.2.3.3 The Real Order3.3 A Tentative Theoretical Model3.4 SummaryChapter Four The Advancement of Fairy Tale Speech Acts4.1 Introduction4.2 Defining Fairy-tale Speech Acts4.3 The Logical Status of Fairy-tale Speech Acts4.4 The Object and Target of Fairy-tale Speech Act Education4.5 SummaryChapter Five A Statistical Analysis of Fairy-tale Speech Acts:TheCase of Chinese Fairy Tales5.1 Introduction5.2 A Statistical Analysis of Fairy-tale Speech Act Types5.3 A Statistical Analysis of Pragmatic Functions5.4 SummaryChapter Six Fairy-tale Speech Acts:The Orientation of FosteringChildren's Pragmatic Development6.1 Introduction6.2 Fairy-tale Speech Acts Shape Children's Mind6.2.1 Children's Prelinguistic Intentionality6.2.2 Fairy-tale Speech Acts Shape Children's Intentionality6.3 Fairy-tale Speech Acts Shape Children's Sociality6.3.1 X Counts as Y in C6.3.2 Membership Category6.4 SummaryChapter Seven The Mode of Influence of Fairy-tale Speech Acts onChildren's Pragmatic Development7.1 Introduction7.2 The Imaginary Function of Identification7.3 The Symbolic Domination:Children are Spoken by Language7.4 The Impossibility of the Real7.5 SummaryChapter Eight Conclusions and Implications8.1 Introduction8.2 Major Findings from the Research8.3 Implications of the Study8.4 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further ResearchReferencesAppendixAcknowledgementsMajor Publications
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