AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter one Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Research objectives1.3 Research significance1.4 Layout of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Conceptual and operational definitions of L2 speaking proficiency2.1.1 Conceptual definition of L2 speaking profciency2.1.2 Operational definition of L2 speaking proficiency2.2 Overview of classroom interaction2.2.1 Definition of classroom interaction2.2.2 Principles of classroom interaction2.2.3 Patterns of classroom interaction2.2.4 Role of classroom interaction in language learning2.3 Previous researches on classroom interaction at home and abroad2.3.1 Previous researches on classroom interaction abroad2.3.2 Previous researches on classroom interaction at home2.4 Previous studies on speaking proficiency at home and abroad2.4.1 Previous studies on speaking proficiency abroad2.4.2 Previous studies on speaking proficiency at home2.5 Limitations in the previous researchesChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1 Input hypothesis3.2 Output hypothesis3.3 Interaction hypothesisChapter Four Methodology4.1 Research questions4.2 Research participants4.3 Research instruments4.3.1 Tests4.3.2 Classroom assessment4.3.3 Field notes4.4 Research procedures4.4.1 Introduction of action research4.4.2 Implementation of action research4.5 Data collection4.5.1 Tests4.5.2 Classroom assessment4.5.3 Field notes4.6 Data analysis4.6.1 Comparison between pre-test and post-test on fluency level4.6.2 Comparison between pre-test and post-test on accuracy level4.6.3 Comparison between pre-test and post-test on complexity level4.6.4 Analysis of data from classroom assessment4.6.5 Analysis of data from field notesChapter Five Results and Discussion5.1 Results5.1.1 Results from tests5.1.2 Results from classroom assessment5.1.3 Results from field notes5.2 Discussion5.2.1 Classroom interaction and fluency5.2.2 Classroom interaction and accuracy5.2.3 Classroom interaction and complexityChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Findings6.2 Implications for language teaching6.3 Limitations and suggestions of the studyReferencesAppendix Ⅰ PETS第一级口试试卷Appendix Ⅱ PETS第二级口试试卷Appendix Ⅲ Results of pre-testAppendix Ⅳ Results of post-test
标签:课堂互动论文; 口语能力论文; 行动研究论文; 课堂评价论文;