:Colloidal AgCl induced-growth of thorny gold nanoparticles and their SERS activity论文

:Colloidal AgCl induced-growth of thorny gold nanoparticles and their SERS activity论文


作者(2019)在《Colloidal AgCl induced-growth of thorny gold nanoparticles and their SERS activity》一文中研究指出:In this paper,we exploited a unique procedure for obtaining thorny gold nanoparticles(Au NPs)with controllable length of thorns without using seeds and surfacta nts.A larger number of Ag+ions was added into the reaction system containing with HAuCI4 and NH2 OH·HCl,so as to forming colloidal AgCl.AgCl could induce the growth of thorny Au NPs.The morphology of Au NPs changed from short-thorns,longthorns to no-thorns,as the amount of AgNO3 increased.The obtained Au NPs exhibited shapedetermined surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy(SERS)activity toward rhodamine 6 G(R6 G);indicating their potential for use in SERS-based detections and analysis.


In this paper,we exploited a unique procedure for obtaining thorny gold nanoparticles(Au NPs)with controllable length of thorns without using seeds and surfacta nts.A larger number of Ag+ions was added into the reaction system containing with HAuCI4 and NH2 OH·HCl,so as to forming colloidal AgCl.AgCl could induce the growth of thorny Au NPs.The morphology of Au NPs changed from short-thorns,longthorns to no-thorns,as the amount of AgNO3 increased.The obtained Au NPs exhibited shapedetermined surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy(SERS)activity toward rhodamine 6 G(R6 G);indicating their potential for use in SERS-based detections and analysis.


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    :Colloidal AgCl induced-growth of thorny gold nanoparticles and their SERS activity论文
