AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Research objectives1.3 Research hypothesis and methodsChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Research overview on transfer competence2.1.1 Researches of transfer competence in the west2.1.2 Researches of transfer competence at home2.2 Three explanatory models for translation competence2.2.1 Multi-component analysis model2.2.2 Minimalist approach model2.2.3 Translation competence model based on translation processChapter 3 Contextual Analysis Model of Functionalist Contextual Translation View3.1 Functionalist contextual translation view3.2 Contextual analysis model3.2.1 General introduction3.2.2 Classification of contextual analysis model3.2.2.1 Bottom-up contextual analysis model3.2.2.2 Top-down contextual analysis model3.2.3 Comparison between two models3.3 SummaryChapter 4 Top-down Reformulation of Transfer Competence Based on Three Dimensions of Context4.1 Three dimensions of context4.2 Transfer in the translation process4.3 Three sub-competences of transfer competence in top-down contextual analysis model4.3.1 Cultural comparison competence4.3.1.1 Macro aspects for cultural comparison4.3.1.2 Micro aspects for cultural comparison4.3.2 Situational comparison competence4.3.2.1 Theoretical basis for situational comparison4.3.2.2 Example analysis for situational comparison4.3.3 Linguistic comparison competence4.3.3.1 Comparative analysis of sentences4.3.3.2 Comparative analysis of words4.4 Empirical design to test the model4.4.1 Questionnaire design4.4.2 Data analysis through the use of SPSS4.4.3 Case study: application of contextual analysis model in translation teachingChapter 5 Contextual Analysis Model Applied in Translation Teaching5.1 Methods to carry out contextual analysis model in translation teaching5.2 Significance of contextual analysis model in translation teachingChapter 6 ConclusionBibliographyAppendix Ⅰ Questionnaire
标签:语境翻译观论文; 语境分析模式论文; 转换能力论文; 培养论文;