中文摘要Abstract中文文摘IntroductionChapter One The Importance of Writing for Middle School Students and the Significance of the Research1.1 The Importance of Writing1.1.1 What is writing?1.1.2 Functions of writing1.2 Writing Requirements for Middle School Students in China1.2.1 Writing Requirements in New English Curriculum Standards1.2.2 Writing Requirements in National Matriculation English Test1.3 The Problem of student's writing1.4 The Significance of the researchChapter Two Hypothesis2.1 Relevant Theories and Researches of Writing2.1.1 Models of writing2.1.2 A brief review of teaching approaches2.1.3 Towards a synthesis:writing in the process genre approach2.2 Background of the hypothesis2.3 Theoretical basic of the hypothesis2.4 Hypothesis and questionsChapter Three The Building of SPST Writing Model3.1 Description of sentence patterns3.1.1 Four sentence patterns of English3.1.2 Other patterns that add variety to writing3.1.3 Three major contrasts between English and Chinese sentence structures3.2 Approaches to sentence patterns3.3 Practice of structures3.3.1 Schemata theory and structures3.3.2 Establishment of schemata of structures3.3.3.Cohesion3.3.4.Conjunction3.4.Practice of topics3.5 Integration of sentence patterns,structures and topicsChapter Four A Case Study4.1 Subjects4.2 Pre-test4.2.1 Writing task4.2.2 Data4.2.2.1 Data Collection4.2.2.2 Data processing4.2.3 Statistics and descriptions4.3 A questionnaire after the pre-test4.4 Post-test4.4.1.Data collection4.4.2 Average of scores4.5 A questionnaire after the post-testChapter Five Discussion and Conclusion5.1 Contributions of the SPST model to writing5.1.1 Contributions to strategy training in foreign language writing5.1.2 Contributions to the awareness of audience and purpose5.1.3 Contributions to problem-solving5.1.4 Contributions to the coherence of the text5.2 Teachers'role in the building of SPST Model5.2.1 Teachers as diagnosticians5.2.2 Teachers as coaches5.2.3 Teachers as coordinators5.2.4.Teachers as mediators5.3 Conclusion5.4 Limitations of the thesis5.5 Further researchBibliography:Appendix Ⅰ:中学生英语写作情况问卷调查(After the Pre-Test)Appendix Ⅱ:The Result of the Questionnaire after the Pre-TestAppendix Ⅲ:SPST写作模式训练问卷调查(After the Post-Test)Appendix Ⅳ:The Result of the Questionnaire after the Post-TestAppendix Ⅴ:The Scores of the Students in the Pre-Test and the Post-TestAcknowledgement
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标签:高中英语论文; 写作模式论文; 写作教学论文;