AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要IntroductionChapter 1 Interpreting Studies1.1 Interpreting Studies in the West1.1.1 History of Interpreting Studies in the West1.1.2 Major Centers of Interpreting Studies and Contributors1.2 Interpreting Studies in China1.2.1 History of Interpreting Studies in China1.2.2 Major Contributors in ChinaChapter 2 Foreign Language Education in China2.1 History of Foreign Language Education in China2.2 Major Waves in Foreign Language Education2.3 English Education in the Past Two Decades2.3.1 General Picture2.3.2 Evolution of Teaching Methodologies2.4 Current Situation of English Education in China and its TrendChapter 3 History of Interpreting3.1 History of Interpreting in the West3.1.1 Ancient Egypt3.1.2 Greece/Rome3.1.3 Christian Period3.2 History of Interpreting in ChinaChapter 4 Interpreting as a Profession4.1 General Picture of the Interpreting Profession4.2 Interpreting Organizations around the World4.3 History of the Profession in China4.4 Challenges Facing the Interpreting Profession in China4.4.1 Qualities of Interpreters4.4.2 Quality of Interpreting4.4.3 Code of Ethics4.4.4 Regulations and Management4.4.5 Accreditations and Supervisions4.5 Categorization of Professional Interpreting in China4.5.1 Conference Interpreting4.5.1.1 Simultaneous Conference Interpreting4.5.1.2 Consecutive Conference Interpreting4.5.1.3 Whispered Simultaneous Interpreting4.5.2 Dialogue Interpreting4.5.2.1 Business Negotiation Interpreting4.5.2.2 Liaison and Escort Interpreting4.5.3 New Forms of Interpreting4.5.3.1 Television Interpreting4.5.3.2 Video-conference InterpretingChapter 5 Impacts on the Profession5.1 Categorization of Interpreting5.2 Impacts on Simultaneous Conference Interpreting5.3 Impacts on Consecutive Conference Interpreting5.4 Impacts on Whispered Simultaneous Interpreting5.5 Impacts on Business Negotiation Interpreting5.6 Impacts on Business Liaison and Escort Interpreting5.7 Impacts on Tourism Liaison and Escort Interpreting5.8 Impacts on Television Interpreting5.9 Impacts on Video-conference InterpretingChapter 6 ConclusionBibliography
标签:外语教育论文; 英语学习热论文; 口译历史论文; 口译职业发展论文;