任务型教学中的一个重要而紧迫的问题主是如何使学生在完成任务的过程中语言交际能力和语言知识得到平衡发展。一些研究表明任务前准备能减轻认知压力,对语言输出造成影响,然而我们需要进一步探索任务前准备的实质及其作用。 本实验调查了高中一年级学生在两种时间条件下完成六项任务所表现出来的语言的准确度,复杂度和流利度。这六项任务分别属于三种任务型,即情景对话,信息差任务和做决定任务。在控制组中学生无准备时间,在实验组中学生5分钟准备后在规定时间表内完成同样任务。 实验结果显示:语言的流利度和准确度在准备条件下有明显提高。语言的复杂度提高不明显,部分是由于某种原因是受试的目的语水平较低以及他们对任务要求的理解造成的,即他们认为完成任务不需要量复杂语言。不同类型的任务对语言运用产生不同的影响,任务前期准备更适宜认知要求复杂的做决定任务。此外,通过访谈了解了受试不同的准备方式和所采取的准备策略。 最后,笔者讨论了这项实验对任务型教学的现实意义。首先应根据任务的目标,任务的难度和学习者的水平采取不同的准备方式。再次,应设计不同难度的任务形成任务链达到语言的平衡发展。
Abstract中文摘要AbbreviationsChapter One Introduction1.1 Tasked Learning in China1.2 Planning and for the Present Basis1.3 Objectives for the Present ResearchChapter Two Theoretical bases2.1 Limited Capacity2.2 Consciousness Raising and Noticing2.3 Central Output2.4 Learner Output2.5 summary of the TheoriesChapter Three Literature Review3.1 Definitions of the Task3.2 Principles of the Task-based Instruction3.3 Task Differences3.3.1 Pica et al's framework for choosing tasks3.3.2 Robinson's issues of task type and task complexity3.3.3 Brown's three dimensions for analyzing tasks3.4 Tash-based learning3.4.1 Willis' framework for task-based learning3.4.2 Nunan's sequence for introducing tasks3.4.3 Skehan's model of task-based approach3.5 Planned Output in Task-based Learning3.5.1 Ellis' research3.5.2 Croodes' research3.5.3 Foster and Skehan's research3.5.4 Some other researches3.5.5 Summary of research into planned performance3.6 Summary of the Various Studied: Insight Gained for the Present ResearchChapter Four Research Methodology4.1 Problem Statement, Research Question and Hypotheses4.2 Subjects4.3 Experimental Design,Measure and tasks Exploited in the Present Study4.3.1 Experimental design4.3.2 Imterlanguage measure4.3.3 Tasks exploited in the present study4.4 Data Collection ProcedureChapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion5.1 Result Analysis of Composite Planning Effects5.2 Results of planning for Three Different Tasks5.2.1 Results of planning for the situational-dialogue5.2.2 Results of planning for the information-gap5.2.3 Results of planning for the problem-solving5.3 Task Differences and Performance5.4 The Analyses of Interviews after the Tasks5.5 DiscussionsChapter Six.Conclusion6.1 Summary of the Findings6.2 Implications6.3 LimitationsBibliographyAppendicesAcknowledgements
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标签:任务前准备论文; 任务论文; 语言行为论文; 影响论文; 中介语论文;