Abstract摘要List of AbbreviationsChapter One Introduction1.1 The Importance of News Listening1.2 The Significance of the Study1.3 Overview of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Schema Theory2.1.1 An Overview of the Schema Theory2.1.2 The Definitions of Schemata2.1.3 Classification of Schemata2.1.4 Limitations of Schema Theory2.2 Literature Review on Listening2.2.1 The Previous Study on Listening2.2.2 Listening Comprehension2.2.2.1 Definition of Listening Comprehension2.2.2.2 Nature of Listening Comprehension2.2.3 Listening Process2.2.3.1 Bottom-up Processing2.2.3.2 Top-down Processing2.2.3.3 Interactive Processing2.3 The application of Schema Theory to ListeningChapter College English News Listening and Three Schemata3.1 The Definition of News3.2 Three Schemata in English News Listening3.2.1 Linguistic Schema3.2.1.1 Use of Small and Concrete Words3.2.1.2 Use of New Words3.2.1.3 Loanwords3.2.1.4 Using the Abbreviations3.2.1.5 Fashionable Words in English News3.2.1.6 Frequently Used tenses and Aspects3.2.2 Content Schema3.2.3 Formal SchemaChapter Four An Experimental Study on English News Listening4.1 Research Objective4.2 Subjects4.3 Instruments4.4 Results and Discussions of the Questionnaire and the InterviewChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Major Findings5.1.1 Poor Linguistic Ability5.1.1.1 Poor Phonetic Knoweldge5.1.1.2 Lacking a Large Scale of Vocabulary5.1.2 Deficient Schema Preparation and Background Information5.1.2.1 Lacking Schema Preparation5.1.2.2 Lacking Background Information5.1.3 Psychological Obstacle5.2 The Limitations of the Study5.3 The Implications for the teaching of college English News Listening5.3.1 Improving Student's Linguistic Ability5.3.1.1 Knowing the Phonetic Difference and Overcoming the Phonetic Obstacle5.3.1.2 Memorizing the News Vocabulary5.3.2 Having Generous Background Information5.3.2.1 Mastering the News Structure and Understanding the News Lead5.3.2.2 Grasping the Characteristics of Various Types of Information5.3.3 Encouraging Students to Use the Strategy of Guessing5.3.3.1 Guessing from the News Lead5.3.3.2 Guessing from the Key Words5.3.3.3 Guessing from Discourse Markers5.3.4 Intensive Listening,Extensive Listening,and Stenography5.3.5 Listening to English News from the Easy to the Difficult5.3.6 Having Good Psychological QualityBibliographyAppendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAcknowledgementsPublications学位论文评阅及答辩情况表
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标签:英语新闻听力论文; 语言图式论文; 内容图式论文; 形式图式论文;