作者(2019)在《Short-Term Photovoltaic Generation Forecasting Based on LVQ-PSO-BP Neural Network and Markov Chain Method》一文中研究指出:With the rapid development of solar photovoltaic generation, the effective prediction of photovoltaic is of great significance to mitigate its impact on power system. According to the analysis of main
With the rapid development of solar photovoltaic generation, the effective prediction of photovoltaic is of great significance to mitigate its impact on power system. According to the analysis of main
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标签:2019 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence; Automation and Control Technologies (AIACT 2019)2019-04-25论文;
:Short-Term Photovoltaic Generation Forecasting Based on LVQ-PSO-BP Neural Network and Markov Chain Method论文