AcknowledgementsList of TablesAbstract内容摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Research orientation1.2 Research RationaleChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Theoretical studies on TBLT2.1.1 Definitions of task and TBLT2.1.2 Willis's framework of TBLT2.1.2.1 Pre-task2.1.2.2 Task cycle2.1.2.3 Language focus2.1.2.4 Willis's view on "Language analysis"2.1.3 Ellis's study on "planning" Pre-task planning2.1.3.2 Within-task planning2.1.4 Components and features of task2.1.4.1 Components of tasks2.1.4.2 Features of tasks2.2 Previous studies on TBLT2.2.1 Researches by non-Chinese scholars2.2.2 Researches by Chinese scholars2.3 Limitations of previous studiesChapter Three Research Design3.1 Research question3.2 Hypothesis3.3 Method3.3.1 Subjects3.3.1.1 Contrast tests on vocabulary score differences among 3 groups in pretest3.3.1.2 Contrast tests on grammar score differences among 3 groups in pretest3.3.1.3 Contrast tests on total score differences among 3 groups in pretest3.3.2 Materials3.3.2.1 Teaching materials3.3.2.2 English vocabulary and grammar pre-test and post-test3.3.3 Procedure3.3.3.1 Pre-experiment interview on teachers' TBLT practice3.3.3.2 Pilot test on difficulty equivalence of pre-test and post-test3.3.3.3 Pre-test3.3.3.4 TBLT experiment3.3.3.5 Post-test3.3.4 Measures for data collection and analysis3.3.4.1 Data collection methods3.3.4.2 Data analysis methodsChapter Four Results and Discussion4.1 Results4.1.1 Contrast tests on vocabulary score differences among 3 groups in posttest4.1.2 Contrast tests on grammar score differences among 3 groups in posttest4.1.3 Contrast tests on total score differences among 3 groups in posttest4.2 Discussion4.2.1 Posttest vocabulary performances related to 4 sub-questions4.2.2 Posttest grammar performances related to 4 sub-questions4.2.3 Posttest total performances related to 4 sub-questionsChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Findings5.2 Implications5.2.1 Theoretical implications5.2.2 Practical implications5.3 LimitationsReferencesAppendix A Vocabulary and Grammar PretestAppendix B Vocabulary and Grammar PosttestAppendix C Class Reading TasksAppendix D Unscrambling TasksAppendix E Lesson Plan for control groupAppendix F Lesson Plan for Experimental Group 1Appendix G Lesson Plan for Experimental Group 2Appendix H Data of Survey on Pre- and Post-tests' DifficultyAppendix I Subjects" Performance Data in Pretest and Posttest
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标签:外语论文; 大学英语论文; 精读教学论文; 任务型教学论文; 语言分析论文;
语言分析的效应 ——大学英语精读课堂中词汇和语法的任务型教学