AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 The Background of the Study1.2 The Problems of English Listening Teaching in Secondary Vocational School1.2.1 The Problem of Teachers1.2.2 The Problem of Students1.2.3 The Problem of Textbook1.2.4 The Problem of Teaching Approaches1.3 The Purpose and Significance of the Present Study1.4 The Organization of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 An overview of Listening and Listening Teaching2.1.1 Definition of Listening2.1.2 Factors Influencing Listening Comprehension2.1.3 A Review of Listening and Its Research2.2 An Overview of Communicative and Task-based Teaching Approach2.2.1 Development, Features and Principles of Communicative Teaching Approach2.2.2 Development, Features and Principles of Task-based Teaching Approach2.3 Relationships between Communicative Teaching Approach and Task-based Teaching Approach2.3.1 Both Tasked-based Approach and Communicative Approach Obey Three Major Principles of Communicative Approach Theory2.3.2 Group Activity is the Main Form of the Communicative Teaching Approach and Task-based Teaching Approach in the Classroom Teaching2.3.3 Both Communicative Teaching Approach and Task-based Teaching Approach Advocate "student-centered" Teaching2.3.4 Communicative Teaching Approach Emphasizes the Process,While Task-based Teaching Approach Focuses On the Purpose2.3.5 In Communicative Approach Students Learn through Communication, but in Task-based Approach by Completing Task2.3.6 The Differences between "Task" in Task-based Teaching Approach and "Practice" in Communicative Teaching ApproachChapter 3 Methodology3.1 The Purposes of the Study3.2 Subjects3.3 Instruments and Their Designs3.3.1 The Pre-test3.3.2 The Post-test3.3.3 The Questionnaire3.4 Procedures of the Study3.4.1 The Teaching Procedures in Experimental Class3.4.2 The Teaching Procedures in Control Class3.5 Data CollectionChapter 4 Results and Discussion4.1 The Situation of the Subjects' Present Listening Competence before the Experiment4.2 The Situation of the Subjects' Present Listening Competence 35 After the Experiment4.3 Results of Questionnaire Survey on Subjects' Interests and Opinions on English listening before the experiment4.4 Results of Questionnaire Survey on Subjects' Interests and Opinions on English Listening After the Experiment4.5 SummaryChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Major Findings5.2 Implications5.3 Limitations5.4 Suggestions for Future ResearchBibliographyAppendix攻读学位期间的科研成果
标签:英语听力教学论文; 交际法论文; 任务型教学法论文; 中等职业学校论文;