Abstract中文摘要AcknowledgementChapter One Introduction1.1 Background1.2 Significance1.3 Research questions1.4 Research questions of the present studyChapter Two Theory of the present research2.1 Review of computer multimedia foreign language learning2.2 Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)2.2.1 Definition of CALL2.2.2 Development of CALL2.2.3 CALL Environment2.2.4 The role of computer2.2.5 Chanfes in Learner and Teacher Roles in CALL Environment2.3 The concepts: multimedia, Hypermedia and the relationships2.4 Constructivism & constructivist learning2.5 Summary of relevant theories2.5.1 Interactive perspectives2.5.2 Schema theory2.5.3 Input, comprehension, negotiation of meaning and noticingChapter Three Application3.1 Activate Reading Teaching3.2 enrich Reading Teaching context3.2.1 Pre-reading activity3.2.2 While-reading activity3.2.3 Post-reading activity3.3 cases of English reading teaching with the assistant of multimedia3.4 Effects of animation in multimedia instruction3.5 Learning effects of students in multimedia environmentChapter four Investigation and analysis4.1 Survey4.1.1 the aim of the study4.1.2 Subjects4.1.3 Content of questionnaire4.1.4 Questionnaires4.1.5 Results from questionnaires4.2 Data from interviewChapter five discussion5.1 the strengths of TEFL assisted by multimedia5.1.1 Enter an information stage5.1.2 Improving learners’creativity5.1.3 Creating the context of language5.1.4 Stimulating the learners’senses5.1.5 Enlarging the learners ‘field of vision5.2 The weaknesses of TEFL assisted by multimedia5.2.1 The position and function of multimedia in TEFL5.2.2 The emphasis on modern means and the neglect on the traditional5.2.3 The soft wares in TEFL assisted by multimedia5.2.4 The reverse influence on the user’s psychology and physiology5.2.5 The effort affected by the learning environment5.3 The ways of dealing with both sides5.4 The principles of choosing multimedia5.4.1 The types of learning results5.4.2 The learning activity5.4.3 The learners’characteristic5.5. Conclusion: present findings and future findings5.5.1 Present findings5.5.2 Future findingsReferencesAppendicesAppendix AAppendix BAppendix C
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