摘要AbstractList of FiguresList of AbbreviationsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Research Scope1.3 Research Objective and Research Questions1.4 Research Methodology & Data Collection1.5 Research SignificanceChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Introduction:2.2 Subjectivity2.2.1 The definition of translator subjectivity2.2.2 Subjectivity in philological period:from invisibility to visibility2.2.3 Subjectivity after the cultural turn2.2.4 Status quo of present researches on translator subjectivity in China2.3 Research on Feminist translation studies2.3.1 Researches on Feminist translation theory abroad:2.3.2 Researches on feminist translation studies in China2.3.3 Limitations of the studies of feminism translation theory2.4 Research on interpreting2.4.1 Research on interpreting abroad2.4.2 Researches on interpreting in China2.4.3 Limitations of interpreting studies2.5 SummariesChapter 3 Theoretical framework3.1 Introduction:3.2 Subjectivity3.3 Justification of translator subjectivity under feminist translation theory3.3.1 Justification of translator subjectivity in feminist translation theory3.3.2 Justification of translator subjectivity in feminist translation practice3.4 The analytical framework of the present study:3.5 Summary:Chapter 4 Characteristics of Chinese feminist interpreters4.1 Introduction:4.2 Characteristics of Chinese feminist interpreters compare with their counterparts in western countries4.2.1 Cling to the traditional translation concepts:4.2.2 Display of gender awareness in a comparatively moderate way:4.2.3 There is no identifiable political purpose4.3 Causes for these differences4.3.1 Historical reasons4.3.2 Cultural reasons4.3.3 Academic reasons4.4 SummaryChapter 5 Interpreter subjectivity under feminism5.1 Introduction:5.2 Manifestation of interpreter subjectivity under feminism5.2.1 Gender difference5.2.2 Gender awareness5.3 Interventionism Strategies adopted by feminist interpreters5.3.1 Choice of text:5.3.2 Feminist interpreting practice5.4 Summary:Chapter 6 Conclusions and Limitations:6.1 Major findings:6.2 Implications of this study and Further Suggestions6.3 Limitations of this studyBibliography:Acknowledgments
标签:女性主义翻译理论论文; 译者主体性论文; 口译论文;