AcknowledgementAbstract摘要前言1 Introduction1.1 Significance of the Study1.2 Purpose of the Study2 Literature Review2.1 The Study Abroad2.2 The Study at Home3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Halliday and Hasan's Lexical Cohesion Theory3.2 Hoey's Patterns of Lexical Repetition in Text3.3 Difference between the Two Theories4 Lexical Cohesion and News Discourse4.1 News as Discourse4.1.1 Cohesion4.1.2 Coherence4.1.3 Relationship between Cohesion and Coherence4.2 Lexical Cohesion and Thematic Progression in News Discourse4.2.1 Theme and Rheme4.2.2 Modes of Thematic Progression in News Discourse4.3 Lexical Cohesion and Discourse Topic4.3.1 Discourse Topic4.3.2 Lexical Cohesion and Macro-Topic4.3.3 Lexical Cohesion and Sub-Topic4.4 Lexical Cohesion and Context in News Discourse4.4.1 Lexical Cohesion and Linguistic Context4.4.2 Lexical Cohesion and Situational Context4.4.3 Lexical Cohesion and Cultural Context5 Implications for the Teaching of News Listening5.1 Current Situation and Problems5.2 Lexical Cohesion and News Listening5.2.1 Pre-Listening5.2.2 While-Listening5.2.3 Post-Listening5.3 Lexical Cohesion and the Cultivation of Textual Competence in News Listening6 ConclusionReferences
标签:新闻语篇论文; 词汇衔接论文; 连贯论文; 新闻听力教学论文;