:Lotus-stalk Bi4Ge3O12 as binder-free anode for lithium and sodium ion batteries论文

:Lotus-stalk Bi4Ge3O12 as binder-free anode for lithium and sodium ion batteries论文


作者(2019)在《Lotus-stalk Bi4Ge3O12 as binder-free anode for lithium and sodium ion batteries》一文中研究指出:Alloyed-type anode materials with high-energy density for lithium and sodium ion batteries attracted much attention of the researchers.However,substantial volume expansion of these materials in the devices during repeated electrochemical process leads to fast capacity fading and hinders their further practical application.Nanotechnology could act as a useful tool to effectively address the issue.Herein,lotus-stalk Bi4Ge3O12 nanosheets vertically grown on the nickel foam(denoted as Bi4Ge3O12 NSs@NF)were p repa red via a straight-forward solvothermal method.Bene fiting from their three dimensional(3 D)conductive framework and two dimensional(2 D)lotus-stalk Bi4Ge3O12 nanosheet structure,as anode materials of lithium-ion batteries(LIBs)and sodium-ion batteries(NIBs),the electrochemical performances of Bi4Ge3O12 NSs@NF were greatly enhanced as a result of mitigating the huge volume variations during cycles.The Bi4Ge3O12 NSs@NF electrodes delive red a high reve rsible capacity of 1033.1 mAh/g for the first cycle and exhibited 68.6%capacity rete ntion of after 88 cycles at 0.10 A/g in the voltage window of 0.01~3.0 V versus Li/Li+.In the test of NIBs,the lotus-stalk Bi4Ge3O12 composite electrodes still stored Na+as high as 332.3 mAh/g at 0.10 A/g over 100 sodiation/desodiation repeating cycles.


Alloyed-type anode materials with high-energy density for lithium and sodium ion batteries attracted much attention of the researchers.However,substantial volume expansion of these materials in the devices during repeated electrochemical process leads to fast capacity fading and hinders their further practical application.Nanotechnology could act as a useful tool to effectively address the issue.Herein,lotus-stalk Bi4Ge3O12 nanosheets vertically grown on the nickel foam(denoted as Bi4Ge3O12 NSs@NF)were p repa red via a straight-forward solvothermal method.Bene fiting from their three dimensional(3 D)conductive framework and two dimensional(2 D)lotus-stalk Bi4Ge3O12 nanosheet structure,as anode materials of lithium-ion batteries(LIBs)and sodium-ion batteries(NIBs),the electrochemical performances of Bi4Ge3O12 NSs@NF were greatly enhanced as a result of mitigating the huge volume variations during cycles.The Bi4Ge3O12 NSs@NF electrodes delive red a high reve rsible capacity of 1033.1 mAh/g for the first cycle and exhibited 68.6%capacity rete ntion of after 88 cycles at 0.10 A/g in the voltage window of 0.01~3.0 V versus Li/Li+.In the test of NIBs,the lotus-stalk Bi4Ge3O12 composite electrodes still stored Na+as high as 332.3 mAh/g at 0.10 A/g over 100 sodiation/desodiation repeating cycles.


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    :Lotus-stalk Bi4Ge3O12 as binder-free anode for lithium and sodium ion batteries论文
