Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Purpose and significance of the study1.2 Overview of the thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 What is learner autonomy?2.1.1 Definitions of learner autonomy2.1.2 Autonomy and Autonomous Learners2.2 Theoretical foundation for learner autonomy2.2.1 Humanism2.2.2 Constructivism2.2.3 Individual difference2.3 Conditions for learner autonomy2.3.1 Learning strategies2.3.2 Learner attitudes and motivation2.3.3 Teacher roles2.4 Studies on autonomy at home and abroad2.4.1 Studies on autonomy abroad2.4.2 Studies on learner autonomy at home2.5 Autonomous listening2.5.1 Necessity for autonomous listening2.5.2 Studies on autonomous listening2.6 Limitations of the previous studiesChapter 3 The Study3.1 Research questions3.2 Participants3.3 Instruments3.3.1 Listening proficiency test3.3.2 Questionnaire survey on learner autonomy3.3.3 Listening journal and questionnaire survey of listening journal3.3.4 Semi-structured interview3.4 Procedures of the study and data collection3.5 Procedures of the out-of-class autonomous listening program3.6 Data analysisChapter 4 Results and Discussions4.1 Questionnaires on learner autonomy4.1.1 Results and discussions of the questionnaire before the experiment4.1.2 Results and discussions of the questionnaire after the experiment4.2 Listening journal4.2.1 Results of the questionnaire on listening journals4.2.2 Data from the listening journal4.3 Listening proficiency test4.4 Semi-structured interviewChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Major findings5.2 Implications5.3 Limitations and recommendations for further studyReferencesAppendix 1:Pre-testAppendix 2:Post-testAppendix 3:Questionnaire on learner autonomyAppendix 4:Questionnaire on listening journalsAppendix 5:Semi-structured InterviewAppendix 6:Data for autonomy level before the experimentAppendix 7:Data for autonomy level after the experimentAppendix 8:Extracts from students' listening journals作者简历及在学期间所取得的主要科研成果
标签:自主学习论文; 课外听力论文; 有效性论文; 教师角色论文;