
Abstract (English)Abstract (Chinese)1 Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Research Objectives1.3 Literature Review1.4 Research Approaches2 Industry Rotation2.1 Industry rotation phenomena in Chinese A stock market2.2 Theoretical explaination2.2.1 Industry grouping2.2.2 Reversion theory2.2.3 Liquidity transfer3 Find relationship using Granger Causality3.1 Granger Causality theory3.2 Unit Root Test3.3 Granger Causality test3.3.1 Find Optimized Lag Level3.3.2 Granger Causality Test3.4 Find relations among sectors4 Forecast excess return4.1 VAR Model theory4.1.1 VAR model4.1.2 Impulse Response Functions4.1.3 Variance Decomposition4.2 Generate equations4.2.1 Appropriate number of lags4.2.2 Vector Autoregression Estimates4.2.3 Generate Equations4.3 Test the accuracy4.3.1 One single industry’s estimation series4.3.2 All industries’estimates in one week5 Construct our strategy5.1 Simple strategy5.1.1 Without risk free assets5.1.2 With risk free assets5.2 Strategy with Portfolio Management Theory5.2.1 Industry allocation with no risk free asset5.2.2 With risk free asset6 Conclusion6.1 Conclusion6.2 Further improvementsBibliographyAcknowledgments
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标签:行业轮动论文; 格兰杰因果检验论文; 模型论文;