摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Significance of the Study1.3 Organization of the StudyChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Traditional Studies on Metaphor2.1.1 Definition of Metaphor2.1.2 Historical Development of Classical Tradition2.2 Contemporary Theories of Metaphor2.3 Western Studies on Biblical Metaphor2.3.1 Traditional Theologian View2.3.2 Contemporary Cognitive Views on Biblical Metaphor2.4 Chinese Studies on Biblical Metaphors2.4.1 Metaphor Studies in China2.4.2 Biblical Metaphors Studies in China2.5 SummaryChapter Three Theoretical Foundation3.1 Cognitive Metaphor Theories3.1.1 Interaction Theory3.1.2 Conceptual Metaphor Theory3.1.3 Conceptual Blending Theory3.1.4 Relevancc Blending Mode3.2 Characteristics of Metaphor from a Cognitive Perspective3.2.1 The Ubiquity of Metaphor3.2.2 The Conceptual Nature of Metaphor3.2.3 The Systematicity of Metaphor3.3 Classification of Metaphors3.3.1 The Ontological Metaphor3.3.2 The Structural Metaphor3.3.3 The Orientational MetaphorChapter Four The Scope and Classifications of Biblical Metaphors4.1 The Selection of Corpus4.2 The Scope of Biblical Metaphor4.3 Classifications of Biblical Metaphor4.3.1 Word-Sentence Pattern of Biblical Metaphors4.3.2 Discourse Metaphors4.4 The Characteristics of Biblical Metaphors4.4.1 The Common Source Domains Covering Ample God's Creations4.4.2 The Intertextuality of Biblical MetaphorsChapter Five Cognitive Study on Biblical Metaphors5.1. The Light and Salt metaphor5.1.1 Background Information5.1.2 Analysis from a CMT Perspective5.1.3 Analysis from a CBT Perspective5.2 Kingdom of God Metaphor5.2.1 The Mustard Metaphor from CMT Perspective5.2.2 The Mustard Metaphor form RBT PerspectiveChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Summary of the Study6.2 Limitations of the Study6.3 Suggestions for the Future studyBibliographyAcknowledgements
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标签:隐喻论文; 圣经隐喻论文; 概念隐喻论文; 概念整合理论论文; 关联复合模式论文;